TI-85 Emulator for Psion5 Released
Posted by Nathan on 26 July 2000, 11:36 GMT
If you have a Psion 5 or compatible handheld device (no, I've never heard of it before, either) and a TI-85 (yeah, I've heard of that), you can now download and install this nifty emulator called Psi85! This free emulator, written by Daniel Rigby, requires a TI-85 ROM to run, and was written in C++ for speed (yeah, right, um... maybe speed of coding?). Certainly a must-have, presuming you previously found a Psion 5 to be a must have.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
*cough* ?
(Web Page)
shouldn't the topic read "TI-85 emulator for Psion5 released"?
26 July 2000, 12:14 GMT
Re: TI-85 Emulator for TI-85(?) Released
David Hart
This is really quite an achievement! I don't actually have a Psion 5 so I can't test the programs' speed, but I do know that the Psion hardware (including the processor) is quite different from that of the TI-85, so the emulator must be quite sophisticated if it emulates it well. The Psion's quite fast, so I'd imagine it could achieve close to TI-85 speeds, especially as it's written in the fast C++ language. And the screenshots look really good, too...
Erm, just to point out a slight error in the article title - shouldn't it be "TI-85 Emulator for the Psion 5 Released" ?
26 July 2000, 12:15 GMT
Re: TI-85 Emulator for TI-85 Released
(Web Page)
YES! finally I can play ti-85 games on my ti-85! i've been wait..oh wait.. on a psion 5? that's cool 'cept i droped my psion 5 and the screen cracked. anyone wanna buy a working (though needing new screen) psion series 5? no really though.. the psion kicks butt... it's fun to play with and much better than a palm or dunce.. err make that wince device....
26 July 2000, 16:07 GMT
(Web Page)
Well, This is probably really super nifty, but why wouldja wanna lug about one of these (click URL above) when the 85 is a lot easier to fit in your pocket? (:^)
26 July 2000, 17:20 GMT
Re: TI-85 Emulator for Psion5 Released
(Web Page)
Um...Nathan, you must not be a multi-platform programmer (or a programmer for that matter). C++ is fast as hell, especially on handheld devices. I'm a Palm OS programmer and I can tell you, althought it may not be fast on the TI (they're calculators, for heaven's sake), it sure is speedy on handheld devices. TIs are devices that aren't capable of high-level languages such as C++. They are made for low-level assembly languages and BASIC. So learn something before you go around making assumptions as to the speed of the language.
26 July 2000, 20:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-85 Emulator for Psion5 Released
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
GCC is capable of generating code for many CPUs, including x86, 68K, PowerPC, SPARC, DEC Alpha, and many others (but not the Z80). The compilers for different targets are of course slightly different in that the final output is for a different processor. However, most optimizations really are the same on different processors. GCC first converts the code into an internal format and optimizes that, then generates assembly code for different processors. Rather than having different code generation routines for each processor, the characteristics of each processor are defined by symbolic expressions describing each instruction. There is of course some machine-dependence involved (different optimization strategies for different groups of processors) but GCC does not have completely (or even largely) separate routines for each processor. See GCC documentation for more details.
By the way, I wonder where you got the idea that Visual C++ generates code for 68K processors.
28 July 2000, 06:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-85 Emulator for Psion5 Released
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
I have to wonder if you've ever actually examined the output of a modern optimizing compiler for quality. My best guess would be that you haven't. However, as someone who actually has seen lots of GCC code, I can say that it is generally very good, though it may be possible to improve it in some cases (human-written code is rarely perfect either). If you don't believe me, you can always test it yourself, and compare it to the work of whichever assembly programmer you think is best. TI-GCC does unfortunately suffer the disadvantage of stack-based parameter passing, which results in some performance loss, but not much if functions are large. Also, this can be solved by configuration changes.
For more information on this, you can click the web page link above, to see what Linux's Assembly HOWTO has to say about the issue (of course, it should be noted that on the calculator, one is always programming for a particular hardware setup).
28 July 2000, 06:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: TI-85 Emulator for Psion5 Released
Daniel Rigby
(Web Page)
It surprises me how much interest this emulator has created! For those of you that don't know, the Psion 5 is a handheld device sold primarily in the UK. I agree with comments that say the emulator would be a lot faster written in assembler, but Psion only release a C++ software development kit. I don't think there's any way of writing in assembler for the Psion.
Also, I'm not a software programmer (although I work in the hardware industry, which isn't all that different), and I wanted to learn some C++ skills. Even just using the Psion SDK was difficult because of the weird techniques used - see www.epocworld.com.
I'd estimate the emulator runs at 50%+ speed on a Psion 5, although I'd be interested to hear how it fairs on a Psion 5MX, which has a 36 MHz ARM processor rather than the 18 MHz one on a Psion 5.
If anyone wants to port the program to other handheld devices, e.g. Palm, I may consider releasing the source code. However, the C++ "wrapper" around the emulator core is very Psion-specific.
Glad this has created so much discussion!
Daniel Rigby
27 July 2000, 10:17 GMT
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