So Many Shells, So Little Time
Posted by Nick on 18 June 2000, 19:34 GMT
This is the first news item - ever - that I'm not writing in Notepad. Xavier Vassor and Cedric Couffignal have released DoorsOS II v0.97. It's not a preview release this time, so download away. This version is a complete rewrite of the old code. Many bugs and such have been fixed, and it's optimized beyond all human comprehension. It now also supports archived libraries: in my opinion, a Very Good Thing(TM). I've had one report so far on some minor problems, but it should be working fine for the majority of you folks out there :) Download the new version for the 89 and the 92 Plus. Download the developer version for the 89 and the 92 Plus. You can find the DoorsOS II home page here. Aaron Curtis released Yet Another Shell v1.0, or YAS, on A86 this morning. It's a preview version, but everything should work except for the TI-82 emulation. It's basically a complete rewrite that has been anticipated for [insert extremely long denomination of time here]. It also includes an external interface, known as iShell, written by Jonah "The Real Slim Shady" Cohen. And, to top it all off, he includes a Simpsons reference at the end of the docs! I'm impressed. Aren't you? Joe "My Last Name Is Impossible To Spell And Pronounce" Wingbermuehle has released Ion v1.6. To quote the inimitable Joe, "This version fixes a bug in the ionDetect routine of the TI-83 Plus version and the TI-83 version is a few bytes smaller. Also, the source code is included with this version." That just about sums it up. With that all in mind, check this uber-fantastic shell out for the 83 and the 83 Plus.
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Re: So Many Shells, So Little Time
hmm, it installs fine, but when i try to run doors, it has an address error. weird.
18 June 2000, 19:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: So Many Shells, So Little Time
Sebastian Reichelt
(Web Page)
The funny part about using German is that there are actually VERY few Germans around here, so they can't complain. Anyways, you got me. So, here I go:
"The correct spelling of this word would be 'über', and that is pronounced differently as well. So, if you are too lazy to open your character map and copy the 'u Umlaut', then at least write 'ueber' instead. That would be acceptable, although it is not the standard and harder to read if you're not used to it. German keyboards actually have the letter printed on it in place of the '[' character, and you can activate that in your control panel, if you use Windows. It also has one extra key, and many characters are in different places."
Not that I really care, but I just had to say it. :-)
19 June 2000, 04:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: So Many Shells, So Little Time
Well, here goes...
Quelqu'un veut une traduction dans viele andere Sprachen? Ich würde sia più che felice di ponha para cima uma resposta em seis los idiomas diferentes, todos en el mismo párrafo!
I dare anyone to top that! Five different languages, all in the same paragraph! (For the interested, that's French, German, Italian, Portugese, and Spanish spliced together. Your job is to find out where one language ends and the other begins!)
26 June 2000, 03:54 GMT
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