Julien Muchembled Releases HW2Patch v2.10
Posted by Nick on 14 June 2000, 19:23 GMT
Julien Muchembled has released HW2Patch v2.10 for the 89 and the 92 Plus. This supresses the 8/24 Kb limitation by TI. It now works on all AMS versions; including 2.01, 2.03 and the new 2.04. A version of MaxMem that works under AMS v2.04 will be released as soon as final testing is completed.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Julien Muchembled Releases HW2Patch v2.10
Sebastian Reichelt
(Web Page)
Cool! So that means TI did screw up trying to "fix" the bugs in their OS that enable something like that. Maybe they couldn't figure out how these programs work. :-)
14 June 2000, 19:30 GMT
Re: Julien Muchembled Releases HW2Patch v2.10
is anybody really surprised?
14 June 2000, 19:58 GMT
Re: Julien Muchembled Releases HW2Patch v2.10
TI are idiots. They'll probably never be able to release the SDK because they're too big of dumbasses to be able to make it unhackable like they are undoubtedly trying to do, and they're too big of jackasses to just release the damn thing already because there is no way to make it unhackable to us, WE PROGRAMMERS KICK ASS!
14 June 2000, 20:35 GMT

Re: Re: Julien Muchembled Releases HW2Patch v2.10
Zeljko Juric
(Web Page)
After releasing new HW2 patch, I expect that releasing of SDK will be prolonged again. I think that they want AMS where everything will be under their full control before releasing the SDK.
But, who really wants their SDK? You want an emulator? We have VTI (although it is full of bugs). You want an assembler? We have enough good assemblers. C compiler? We have TI-GCC, TIGCCLIB and TIGCC IDE. Documentation? What do you expect in the documentation? Info about making games? Grayscale tricks? No. Their documentation will document TIOS routines, of course. I already documented about half of them. And, as I can see, nobody uses even 20% of what I documented. Nobody yet used any more complex TIOS function (like symbolic math functions, event driven routines etc.) in their programs so far. And, it will remain true even after TI releases its documentation ;-) I receive about 15-20 messages daily about TIGCC programming, but the most questions are about how to use sprites, grayscale, etc. Nearly nobody asked me how to use math, calculus, etc. Our ASM and C programmers are mostly game-makers, and SDK documentation will be for math-makers!
15 June 2000, 11:20 GMT
We shall overcome
What great news! It seems whenever TI tries to block us from using games(ANY IDEA WHY??) We always over come the obstacles.(Whoops) We need a slogan here at TIcalc.org...How about "We shall overcome!"? When TI people see that, they will tremble with fear. Then they will see it is futile to stop us and release source, not make any more asm limits...etc.
By the way, if a rom is made by us programers(See previous news article) What shall we call it?
It needs a name... Like anti-TIOS, or ATiOS just like that, with the i lower case. Or -TIOS(negative tios)
How about just make an OS Flash app? Using the current tios, we could just make a flash app that when run, would do ???(Insert something good here IE run games w/o crashing,all hw/ams support(above 2.03 because that is the lowest with flash apps))
I cant wait to see what this new wave of 68k programming brings us. It will surely pave the way for many new and exciting games and applications.
14 June 2000, 20:54 GMT
Re: We shall overcome
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
The 24K limit was a really strange choice to begin with. Just consider what that does and does not allow; it will hinder complex math programs, but not games!
Even though some games out there are larger than 24K, they include things like graphics, maps, text, and other data. I doubt that many (if any at all) games for the calculators are actually complex enough that the code itself exceeds 24K. So, even if there were an unbreakable 24K hardware limit, all this data could just be moved in a separate file; games would run fine as long as the code fit in the 24K space, which would hold a lot of machine code.
But, think about sophisticated math programs; they would need very complex algorithms for symbolic manipulation and such, so their code could easily exceed 24K. Of course, I'm talking about serious math programs, not the "Quadratic Formula" stuff.
14 June 2000, 21:07 GMT
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