Turbo Breakout 68K, Flib v1.7
Posted by Nick on 1 June 2000, 23:35 GMT
Flib, the assembly library used in BASIC coding for the 68K calculators, has been updated to version 1.7. Made by Francois Leiber, Flib contains many updates and optimizations. It also adds a folder function and others to maintain a high score list. Grab yourself this juicy bit for the 89 and the 92 Plus. Flavien Racine of BAPG has written a wonderful piece of grayscality, Turbo Breakout 68K, for the 89 and the 92 Plus. In four-color grayscale, this program features customizable levels and it looks really really really good (see screenshot), but it's prone to crashing on just about everything. You have been warned. As many of you may have guessed, I just had a little thing called "the end of the school year" and, as a result, another less-little thing called "graduation" is coming up. Updates this weekend on my end will be sparse. Sorry. :(
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Re: Turbo Breakout 68K, Flib v1.7
Hieu-Trung Le
(Web Page)
yup Turbo Breakout 68k is really awsome, but it seems that the author posted this file on ticalc.org pretty late, since it has been on ti-fr like weeks ago... Flavien Racine is such a good programmer, making all those games like Pacman, which are my favorites =)
1 June 2000, 23:45 GMT

Re: Re: Turbo Breakout 68K, Flib v1.7
Hey, dude...Flavien Racine didn't even upload it. I did it for him. Nick and I were on AIM one day when I asked him if he's ever played this game, and when he said no and that I should upload it, I did! The game's been out for a VERY long time now...its been on TI-News, TI-Fr, and the Flash Z homepage for a while. Its not much of a new program if you've been checking those sites. THis version of the game is not very crash-prone on my calculator...but when the ball starts gaining speed, the paddle always slows down to a crawl for me, ultimately making me lose the game. Otherwise, this is a magnificent game that deserves much merit.
2 June 2000, 07:22 GMT
Re: Turbo Breakout 68K, Flib v1.7
(Web Page)
This game is super cool and the speed is amazing...i have to actually slow the speed down (i got a HW2, AMS2.03) oh well, great game, sometimes i wish i was french and could make cool games
2 June 2000, 00:45 GMT
Re: Turbo Breakout 68K, Flib v1.7
(Web Page)
Who cares about graduation when you have TICalc.org? :)
2 June 2000, 01:40 GMT
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