void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
Posted by Nick on 6 May 2000, 22:27 GMT
Ethay Oidvay Oductionspray esteredpay emay otay itewray anyay announcementyay aboutyay eirthay ewestnay ogrammingpray ontestcay. Inyay isthay, youay avehay otay itewray ayay ogrampray atthay anslatestray anyyay asephray intoyay igpay atinlay. Orfay oremay infoyay onyay atwhay igpay atinlay isyay, ogay eesay ethay Ialectizerday - it'syay atwhay eway usedyay otay oducepray artpay ofyay ouryay Aprilyay Ool'sfay okejay :)
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
(Web Page)
Interesting...doesn't really interest me though cause I'm busy working on 5 or 6 other asm projects of my own. I don't think I'll have time to do that, sounds fun if you've nothing better to do than that though.
visit my webpage please :)
6 May 2000, 23:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
(Web Page)
I would get a Ti-89 if I wasn't so cheap, and if TI knew what great importance "compatibilty issues" are to the prospective buyers.
I almost got one, then they went and messed everything up. They may do 3D, but that's all in programming and anyone who knows how can easily make a program that graphs 3D on the Ti-8x calcs. As far as memory sure more is better but compat vs mem, compatibilty always wins that's why IBM-compats made it and Macs hardly have any marketshare in comparison.
Besides IBM-compats can do more...OS-wise, software-wise, and hardware-wise (with componenet upgrades).
just cause I don't have a Ti-89 doesn't mean that my sites not worth viewing, expecially since not everyone has one! Even people who do sometimes prefer other models as well!
If TI gets a clue and makes Ti-89's compatible completely by way of software, hardware, and other things, I will definately get 1.
Do visit the website it's worth a look. :)
7 May 2000, 01:14 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
Amalfi Marini
Yes, the incompatibility between ROMs is a problem. But things become interesting when this happens. Incompatibility makes programmers to start doing their job: solving a problem. And the practice makes the master. So, I think the TI89 is the best calc for studding low-level languages and to understand hardware, to solve incompatibility problems etc, the best for a system engineer. OK, incompatibility is annoying, but you have the most powerful calc in the world. You cannot compare z80 calc with a TI89/92. I recomend you to get a TI89 anyway, HW1 would be better, but problems with HW2 are almost solved.(I think, since I got a HW1). You'll get 702kb+188kb=890Kb.And the quality of the games and programs is very high. You won't regret.
I'll visit your web page.
What about this program of pig latin? there are several PC programs that makes this translation, I don't know what is this, but it sounds interesting...I think
7 May 2000, 04:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
Borland Delphi, which is based on Object Pascal. (15th or so edition of the Borland Turbo Pascal compiler, for you fact-junkies).
All the GUI ease of VB, all of the language power of C++, no required runtime dlls, can create REAL dlls (IE C/C++ can use them), and has a true compiler.
I've used it to create C/S apps, OCXes for webpages, standalone apps, and it even works quite well as a game programming language. Hell, Delphi was written with itself :)
They're even making a linux version of the compiler/IDE
All that and it has it's own inline assembler :)
Can't beat Delphi. It walks on everything microsoft has to offer.
8 May 2000, 15:09 GMT
Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
(Web Page)
An idea of something more productive for a programming contest would be to see who could program the fastest, smallest, and most functional input routine. :)
Another idea would be who could program the most innovative, functional, fastest, stable, and smallest compression routine. Something faster than currently exsists, and also compresses with much better ratios not making a compressed program larger than the original was half the time. Also must be very small on calc (I.E. 200 bytes) :)
Another thing all source submitted should be commented fairly well. (just an idea!)
If you have any other ideas that could be useful feel free to give Void Productions a suggestion for future contests. :)
I'm not trying to discourage anyone from participating in this contest, just merely suggesting ideas for future contests. :)
6 May 2000, 23:42 GMT
Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
Wow! Fry mah hide! Thet Dialeckizer site is purdy right fine! Fry mah hide!
7 May 2000, 00:18 GMT
Re: void.calc.org Contest: Pig Latin
(Web Page)
well... i can do it with basica... in fact, i already have it done! but doing it in tibasic on a calc might be a little tougher. but getkey might be your best bet!
7 May 2000, 02:41 GMT
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