Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
Posted by Nick on 30 April 2000, 23:16 GMT
Jake Olson has released Knights of Time v1.1 for the 83 Plus (Ion). This game is a nice-looking RPG with great graphics and smooth animation. Anyone interested in role playing games should check this one out - it's a great new game by a previously-unknown author. Hopefully we can see some great new stuff from Jake in the future. An 83 version currently doesn't exist, but that could change later on.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
Jeff Meister
No offense to the author, I'm sure this is a very well made game, but not making it for 83 just sucks. Isn't that the whole purpose of Ion... a shell where you can make versions of the game for both 83 and 83+? Come on... how hard is it to put the maybe 3 lines of code that make it compile for both calculators?
- Jeff
30 April 2000, 23:25 GMT
Re: Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
Oh What a surprise another game made with ARPG. I'm starting to get really sick of those, and why did this one receive the honor of being posted as a news item???
Sure the author did spend some time on the graphics and the storyline but it's not like he really wrote a whole new game. That's what pisses me off about all those ARPG games, they take away from the glory of the REAL asm programmers (which i certainly am not, i only know BASIC tried asm once but gave up after 1 week). I'm gonna shut up now and check if there's something new on
30 April 2000, 23:37 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
frog frog
(Web Page)
Hello all, this is Jake Olson. I know all you just wanna put down on my game, but the reason why I used ARPG is because im not very good at programming (yet), and I have great ideas about games. I stand up for all those who ARE NOT good at programming, but just wanna make a game because they have awesome ideas. Now COME ON PEOPLE, its a game, its not like im going to win a million if my game hits the top. I greatly appreciate all the kind compliments, but to all the mean ones, please, just learn a few things before you complain next time. It certainly doesnt make me very happy to hear people making fun of me.
1 May 2000, 05:27 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
Jake, I don't think that these people are making fun of you. I think they are angry because a news article was published for a game made using RPG construction set, not in C or native assembly code. This is kind of a "TI-Basic programs are not newsworthy" thing. Personaly, I have no experience with the RPG construction kit, but I think it's great that it can help people to make games, who may not know assembly code, but nevertheless have ideas and want to carry them out. I agree with them, with respect to the time and skill it takes to create a game in assembly, versus a game constructed by a kit. I cannot speak for other programmers, but I really don't play games on the calculator (you kind of grow out of it when you go to college) so I respect the skill it took to make a game more than the game itself. And to those who say bad things about this program, let Jake have his week or so of fame. I would hope that everyone show the same respect to me, when I have a news item on the front page.
1 May 2000, 05:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
Daniel Crawford
We know you don't like to be made fun of, but it makes us pimply faced TI geeks feel big.
Seriously though, I wasn't trying to bash you or your game, I was merely saying that ARPGCS games aren't very good. And they aren't. Let's face it, they can't do If/Then statements or anything like that, the monsters can get killed by only one weapon thing is a pain, and they take up a ton of space. It's not the game-makers' fault, and KOT is one of the better example's of good ARPGCS games, but is it really newsworthy, when so many other games go unmentioned?
2 May 2000, 23:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Knights of Time v1.1 Released by Jake Olson
Paul Robson
"ARPGCS games suck" is as much a generalisation as "BASIC games suck". The problem with them is that they are all very similar as they use the same engine, but there is no real reason why it can't be a long, complex and involving game.
If you look at many ARPGs they are in fact games continually doing more or less the same thing ; it is just hidden by some clever game design and story telling (e.g. Secret of Mana).
However, most people who program an ARPGCS game start off by hacking the demos ; this is actually advised in the ARPGCS manual, but they then often will just build on that. To get a decent game out of ARPGCS you have to start with a game outline and plan it ; the skills are probably about equivalent to simple BASIC programming in that you still have to able to track the flow of the game in your head.
If (as most have done) you just hack it out as you go it will look and feel pretty slung together, because it is. But this applies to any other game as well, especially RPG types.
As regards assembly language ; anyone who is writing an RPG in raw assembler is rapidly going to come to a screeching halt. You really do need an engine of some sort to write a decent RPG, even if it has hooks for Z80 programming. Programming the whole thing in Z80 code is an unnecessary waste of effort.
There were about 5 or 6 different designs I came up with for the ARPGCS, ranging from almost just a painting design to a fully scripted multi-process OO language where everything in the game was an Object.
But in the end I decided to plump for making the game creation system open to anyone who wanted to play, which slams limitations immediately.
Personally, I think that there should be a "levels" type subdirectory for ARPGCS, rather as there is for SQRXZ and Penguins ; there are not at least 10 ARPGCS on
1 May 2000, 09:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: You need an engine
Paul Robson
Of course, but the state engine for "PunchOut" is much simpler than the state engine for an RPG. For a game with a FSM there is normally the hardware layer, then the fsm layer on top of that running the game.
An RPG could well have 3 layers ; the hardware, the fsm/engine layer driving the interaction between the tile map, the sprites and so on, and the actual game layer on top of that.
It would not be sensible for a game like "Punch Out" to build a scripting engine to run that game, whereas it is a far more sensible approach for an RPG.
Using a interpretive engine allows more code in the same space (compared to Z80 code) with a lower possibility of errors ; it also allows an OOPS approach to RPG element design, OOPS doesn't fit Z80 assembler coding awfully well :( You can always have the option to "add in" sections of Z80 code if it is really needed.
One of the ARPGCS designs did have a subclassing design which would have been extremely efficient in terms of code, but I decided it was too complicated for people to use ; I wanted the pick up and play design I settled on.
It also allows reusability ; the same engine and script could be used to generate different games, and you would not be quite so limited to a single game style, or at least not quite so blatantly as with the ARPGCS.
One of my favourite games I ever wrote was a shoot-em-up in which all the game objects were processes ; they could spawn other processes. (I actually wrote it originally to teach the basics of multiprocessing systems.) It sounds wierd but you could put together waves of attackers quite quickly, and it was efficient in terms of code space.
Not all RPGs are linear ; most only are in a very general sense, as small subquests are more common than not ; only the main plot is linear. However some RPGs (e.g. the Ultima series, especially 6 onwards) are very definitely non-linear ; they are an FSM (or a set of FSMs to be precise !) in their own right, seperate from the engine.
2 May 2000, 20:02 GMT
Re: Re: Re: You need an engine
Philip Ringsmuth
(Web Page)
Right. You can't just "slap together" an engine and then add some clever game elements and VIOLA, have yourself an epic RPG. As far as programming goes, the more complex the RPG, the more complex of an engine you need to develop, and it has to be able to account for a wide variety of "situations". The other side of the programming, which isn't anything like programming the engine, is the game data. You have to have programs that keep track of where you are in the game, and what exactly you have done. You may have gone quite deep into the game, but still not talked to several people. The other programs would have to account for this and make sure that what they say when you talk to them remains "up to speed" with where you are in the game.
In short, programming an RPG is a lot more than just "an engine and some game elements". It's a long drawn out process, which in the end can be very rewarding, if done right.
-Professional Essayist Fil and his $0.02
2 May 2000, 17:21 GMT

Re: Re: You need an engine
Paul Robson
... and another thing... the extra goodies, as you call them, are a whole project in their own right.
The most basic type of "RPG" is something like the Rogue game ; random dungeons, develop your character as much as possible. This rapidly becomes pretty tedious, however well coded, so it needs to have a story built around it to keep the player on track. You visit a town, go out and battle in a dungeon and/or solve a few puzzles (depends on whether its an FF style game or a Zelda style game), come back, get your reward then go off again. The trick in RPG programming is to write a sufficiently good story to hide the fact that you are basically doing the same thing most of the time with different graphics. (which is what SoM does so well).
In some ways, the "engine" part of the RPG is the easy bit ; you have some graphic wanderings, and a battle scene (in many RPGs the battles are almost incidental to the game, and could be removed without changing it that much !). All that is pretty simple.
Writing the storyline, designing the various areas (and, in the case of TI83 et al making it fit in 28k RAM) can take as long again. If you have a nice flexible engine it will be much easier, and much less error free.
2 May 2000, 15:20 GMT

Listen up everyone
Jake Olson
Personally, I think this is sickening. A bunch of grown up people sitting around BITCHING about a damn game that I made. All you people sicken me with the exception of a few, such as Harper Maddox, KnightRT, and other people who have been there and told the truth. IF TICALC DIDNT THINK IT WAS RIGHT FOR SOMEONE TO USE ARPG, THEN THEY WOULDNT HAVE POSTED IT. PERIOD. If all you immature people dont like it, make your own webpage with your own games and your own editing staff, as for TICALC, dont complain to them, they posted my file because they felt it was worthy enough to be up there. Thats All I have to say, and I would GREATLY appreciate all the immaturity to go away. Thank you.
2 May 2000, 05:29 GMT
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