Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
Posted by Nick on 30 April 2000, 20:55 GMT
This came out about a week ago, but a combination of my being away for the weekend and some other events have prevented me from posting on it until now. Robin Kay, heretofore unknown to the calculator world, has released TSE v1.3 for the 83 Plus. Ion support is included. Some imperfections exist in the Ion emulation, but this is still definitely worth checking out to see if you might like it. Also, directories for TSE-only programs have been added to the file archives, such as TI-83 Plus Assembly Games (TSE).
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
(Web Page)
Robin Kay works for me at where we will have TSE as one of our featured programs. He has worked really hard on this. I hope it becomes as popular as ION and has many programs ported to it.
30 April 2000, 21:30 GMT
Re: Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
(Web Page)
TSE should be a great add-on to my TI-83 Plus. Since it has the capabilty to emulate Ion and TSE, I should be able to use Asm files in those forms more effitiently.
30 April 2000, 22:38 GMT
Re: Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
(Web Page)
I think they should have mentioned the fact that it has co-operative task switching for programs written directly for TSE. You can run one program, stop in the middle of it, run another, then switch back to the original right were you left off.
30 April 2000, 23:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
(Web Page)
They both are coming along slowly, since I have a few other projects that I'm working on too.
With Cuendillar, a few bugs are holding me back from finishing all the people in the towns. Anywhere after the 8th town, if you talk to someone, it crashes :) After I fix this, I am thinking about completely rewriting the drawing routine also, since I have found a good sprite clipping routine, instead of using my fake one.
On Tuake, I have a fast engine that does walls up to 5 spaces away (one small bug) but I think that still isnt what I want. So I'm going to completely redo it and write my own line routines (I was using sprites before if you couldnt tell) . I'm theorizing on a true 360 scrolling engine. The concept is fairly easy and I will be able to integrate it into my wall filling (texturing) routine without much problem. This will give it more of the feel of Quake. Rooms will still have straight edges but this is just because curved rooms would make the game a lot slower and this is not the direction I want to head.
Well anyways, you can find a screen shot of both on the web page under Projects (They haven't been updated in a while).
1 May 2000, 19:06 GMT
Re: Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
(Web Page)
Once Robin adds modules, (maby compatable with ones for ion?), this will be the best shell ever. I also think it is eaiser to code for, as writeback is much eaiser.
30 April 2000, 23:39 GMT
Re: Robin Kay Releases TSE v1.3
Michael Vincent
(Web Page)
I'm surprised I can still reply to such an old news article. I took over TSE after Robin Kay announced he was abandoning the project. TSE II will be released soon, with many new features.
20 December 2000, 13:34 GMT