Alien Breed II v2.0
Posted by Nick on 7 April 2000, 02:50 GMT
James Vernon has released a rather piquant new ASM program called Alien Breed II v2.0 for SOS on the 83. New thingies include a redone main menu, more new levels, enemies and guns, and support for external levels, among others. Download this innovative game at once!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Alien Breed II v2.0
Jason Ho
(Web Page)
Cool, looks awesome.
Btw, first comment (i always wanted to do that)
7 April 2000, 02:58 GMT
Re: Alien Breed II v2.0
This game is fast, with good graphics and game play. If you didn't download this yet, you should.
7 April 2000, 03:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Alien Breed II v2.0
Amalfi Marini
that's because the refresh of an LCD is slow , like a gameboy , like any calculator , like a notebook LCD , like my TI89 . Why?
because when something moves across the screen , the pixels turns off/on and takes a little time (very little , but enough to see a blury image). Actually , the gameboy(B&W) LCD has a faster refreshing , but movement is blury anyway... (doesn't matters , just keep playing !)
7 April 2000, 19:40 GMT
Re: Alien Breed II v2.0
Wow, great job on this game James! Is my memory fading or is this based on the original Amiga game series? There was also the Alien Breed 3D series, which was like imagine playing that on a calculator!
...(wishful sigh)...
7 April 2000, 04:45 GMT
Re: Alien Breed II v2.0
8 April 2000, 00:25 GMT