Random News Tidbits
Posted by Nick on 19 March 2000, 22:49 GMT
For some reason, people tend to email me in sporadic bursts. Maybe it's part of a massively coordinated anti-Disabato movement or something; it's a frequent occurrence to see fifty new things come out one day and then for the next three weeks all I get are three emails for laser printer toner advertising. This is one of those days where I received fifty emails. Actually, to be more specific, one hundred and six. Due to this *cough* outburst, here's a bunch of links to places I have received in the past few days. Shermco Studio v.5 Beta has been released by Shermco Industries. This is supposed to be a development kit for 83/83+ BASIC programs. Weighing in at a miniscule twenty-three and a half megabytes, this program seems like it would have more than its share of features. It's still in beta. I haven't tried it myself; my little ISDN line is currently struggling to get it on my machine. BAPG is accepting new members. Go to their site and fill out the application - they're looking with ASM programmers with at least a bit of experience under their belt. If you have any questions, email Chris Dietz. Programmers Anonymous has redone parts of its web site. They're using CGI scripts for automatic news posting and comment boards, and their archives are now done in JavaScript. Check them out :) (What's with all these hosted sites emailing me, anyway?) Jimi Malcolm sent me an email telling me that guide.ticalc.org has been redone as far as its navigation structure. A menu system has been implemented. Also, an extensive index is available here. Diego Pontoriero of ZAPO emailed me to give me a link to a TI-83 Plus selling for the low, low price of $130 on Mercata - a site that purchases items in bulk to drive prices lower. Oh, and it's marked down from $170 :-) That's about it for now from the grapevine. Thanks to everyone who emails me about all these crazy new things :)
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Random News Tidbits
(Web Page)
Wow, first comment two articles in a row.
Hasn't there already been enough people trying to charge for TI games etc. for programmers to realize that no one will pay for anything to do with a calculator (except the hardware)??
19 March 2000, 22:54 GMT
Re: Random News Tidbits
miniscule 23 megabytes... you gotta be kidding.
but i guess it's not a problem for us cable/dsl users... :-)
19 March 2000, 23:27 GMT
Re: Random News Tidbits
You're going to have to PAY to develop 83 basic programs? This should be interesting...
19 March 2000, 23:29 GMT
Re: Random News Tidbits
Jeff Barrett
23 meg?? For a BASIC editor??? It better have a #&%% of a lot of features. Why pay for a 25 meg download, when a 1 meg free download will do the same thing?
19 March 2000, 23:38 GMT

Re: Re: visual basic
(Web Page)
the program is in visual basic (when running it, i got several visual basic runtime errors) (for above post)
i have been programming vb as well (only 5 and 6), and i do know that the exe file size is reduced greatly than if coded in say C++, but where vb reduces exe size, it increases the overall zip size with the required runtime dlls and such. (i had made a 20 kb tic tac toe in vb, but when i made a setup for it, the zip file was about 2-3 megs).
now, i agree that just because it was in vb, doesn't make it that large - it might just be something else. but there have been many occasions, where i have used afriends computer and they didn't have the vb runtimes.
22 March 2000, 01:12 GMT
Re: Random News Tidbits
Justin B
(Web Page)
That’s an expensive calculator! I would like to know where they got their starting price. I noticed their TI-89 was at a reasonable price though.
19 March 2000, 23:38 GMT
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