Pterodactyl Memory Expander Released by Kirk Meyer
Posted by Nick on 10 March 2000, 02:31 GMT
On the condition that I spell the phrase "featured program" like "f33-chur3d," Kirk Meyer has released a program to us called Pterodactyl for the TI-86. This program will add another fifteen kilobytes of memory to your 86. According to Kirk in a lengthy IM, "TI allocated 16kb of RAM for temporary storage during normal usage of the calculator. However, nowhere near this amount of space is utilized. Pterodactyl simply reclaims 15kb of this space for your usage. Oddly, the memory design of the TI-86 allowed for this to be done quite painlessly." Uh, yeah. If you get a really small amount for your RAM after this, it's good - it only lists the last five digits of the amount of RAM you have, so if you have 105,291 bytes of RAM, it'll show up as 5,291. Also, uninstalling the program requires a memory reset - simple deletion won't work. As if the 86 didn't have enough already :P
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Re: Pterodactyl Memory Expander Released by Kirk Meyer
(Web Page)
I know that there was an earlier hoax of a similar type of thing for the 83. . .but now that it's been done for the 86, wouldn't TI have done similar things with the other calculators? I mean, if you can unlock 15 or so with the 86, wouldn't you think that wouldn't be too much of a lofty number for the 83 too? Or is this not possible to do on the other lower calc, and we're stuck with the memory that we got?
11 March 2000, 01:49 GMT
Re: Pterodactyl Memory Expander Released by Kirk Meyer
gee, I wonder what program will win POTM... :P
11 March 2000, 16:11 GMT
Re: Pterodactyl Memory Expander Released by Kirk Meyer
Diego Pontoriero
(Web Page)
hey big big big idea... i was just talking with kirk and he agrees with me. to get programs to be compatible with this bad boy we have to make code a little more friendly. Instead of trashing RAM Page 1 (like i usually do) we gotta get a good routine going to find the end of all data in the ram and use the free space after whatever that is as temp storage; i have a few ideas. First, Jimmy Mardell used this technique in Sqrxz 1.1 (if you haven't read the source then you better soon!) and kirk enlightened me to the fact that most 85 programs indeed do as well. So, that's one idea. Also, the calc uses "temp" vars, so maybe some retrofitting of those routines could easily give us the key to unlocking free memory without overwriting other programs. I hope we can get a joint effort into looking in to this... i'll try my best but don't really have the time to wade through the ROM and haven't done so previously.
12 March 2000, 06:14 GMT

Re: Re: Pterodactyl Memory Expander Released by Kirk Meyer
(Web Page)
right... waste all that newfound space, and slow things down while you're at it...
for some things having a known start address makes it a lot faster and easier, you don't have to find, store, and add an offset every time you want to access it.
as for temp vars, they're well documented for the 83+ and the code's probly mostly identical. the problem here is that it will involve more page swapping (at least twice as much) and it will require that you have more free space available when you run the program. this means that even tho you've got more ram, you can't use it all. (and the code has to use 24-bit pointers, bigger and slower again)
if you're writing some kind of math or science prog then who cares, but if you're writing a game, speed and size are important and it's much nicer to have a block of ram already allocated on your local friendly ram page 1.
13 March 2000, 02:17 GMT
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