ticalc.org Features
Posted by Nick on 6 March 2000, 03:08 GMT
Remember back in the day when people would write features for ticalc.org and they would get posted by the news editor and everyone would discuss them and such? Well.. yeah. That's back now (in fact, it never left *g*). In light of that, anyone - and I mean ANYONE - who wants to write an (intelligent/informative) article for ticalc.org can do so. The only real criteria are as follows: - It has to pertain to calculators ;-)
- No naughty words (for obvious reasons)
- Sent as an email attachment to news@ticalc.org with the subject line "Feature: [title]"
- Your article can be about just anything: hardware, math stuff, or even how the calculator works. Programming tutorials would be very nice, too. :)
Be creative. Use HTML to enhance it, but don't be excessive (re: usage of BLINK and MARQUEE tags). If you do so, send it as an HTML file. Don't use other fonts; instead, use TT or PRE tags if you're citing code. Articles are subject to posting at our discretion (duh). Opinionated articles are entertained, too, but within reason. :) We're very excited to see what people have to write in the future.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: ticalc.org Features
Hieu-Trung Le
(Web Page)
Cool... but what do you mean by posting features?
btw, first comment
6 March 2000, 03:15 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Features
(Web Page)
sounds good, 'cept... how will you make sure that the news is quality enough for ticalc.org if you're somewhat promising that you'll post any calc-related news?
6 March 2000, 04:07 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Features
<sarcasm>Now I might be able to return to the weekly sermon on the evils of playing calculator games in class.</sarcasm> Wait. I don't want to do that. No one does.
6 March 2000, 04:32 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Features
Jeff Meister
See, Nick's just so cool, he can dictate that something's _in_ again and people do it :)
Actually I'm gonna write an article if I ever finish this damn math homework. In fact, I'll write one that I KNOW will attract a lot of flames, just so I can argue with flamers!
- Jeff
6 March 2000, 23:07 GMT

Re: Re: ticalc.org Features
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
If you write one that'll attract a lot of flames, I won't post it.
I don't want a flame war to be generated here. That happens enough with the news items I already post.
The purpose of me wanting to see more features on ticalc.org is so more intelligent discussion is seen - primarily related to programming, calculator design, and function.
You know, calculators. You know what a calculator is, right?
I don't want to see warring factions talking about which calculator is the best, or why DoorsOS is better/worse than UniversalOS, or why the 83+ is worse than the 86, or why TI is conspiring to destroy all of Western Civilization.
THAT IS NOT WHY I AM HERE. If you people want to be incredibly immature about this, and bicker about why ASM is worse/better than BASIC all the time, and never get any insightful information to further development of programs, then you can find someone else to be your meaningless figurehead.
If you have any ideas for what can be in a feature, and you think that I might have qualms with it (re: it might generate a massive flame war), email me before you write up some massive tirade and I have to reject it. Please try and be mature. That's all I ask of you people.
Aight? Aight.
7 March 2000, 00:14 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Features
(Web Page)
Sounds like a great idea. At least with this idea someone is actually monitoring comments, unlike calc.org. Anybody who's looked at comments for ti83 games on calc.org will agree with me.
7 March 2000, 00:05 GMT
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