Florida [Casio] Calculators Give Wrong Answers
Posted by Nick on 27 February 2000, 00:17 GMT
There is an interesting article in the Washington Post regarding the State of Florida's achievement tests. Apparently, the state issued their own (Casio) calculators for a standardized test and students were prohibited from using their own. Entering data too fast (such as 3 times 3 times 3) yielded wrong answers (such as 81). Check it out - it's quite humorous. :)
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Re: Florida Calculators Give Wrong Answers
(Web Page)
"State education officials don't believe overall test scores will be affected." ; hahah! How do they figure?!
27 February 2000, 00:30 GMT
Re: Florida Calculators Give Wrong Answers
Jon Johnson
(Web Page)
Humorous!@~? It was horrible!@~~@! Add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, %... thats all! not even one memory! it took 3 of them to equal the surface area of my palm! it sucked! i nearly cried without my 89 on the test... not even my good old TI-30XA...
oh well the test was still a freaking joke and i'm 99% sure i aced it even with that pathetic "calculator"
my first first comment i think
27 February 2000, 00:34 GMT
TI Too
Adam Berlinsky-Schine
(Web Page)
A similar thing happened to TI's scientific calculators: www.ti.com/calc/docs/statement.htm
27 February 2000, 00:41 GMT
Re: Florida Calculators Give Wrong Answers
Laura Thompson
CASIO'S ARE THE PROBLEM! I said time and time again Casio's suck. But who listens. Geez, some people.
27 February 2000, 00:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Florida Calculators Give Wrong Answers
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
Have you remarked something? Twenty years ago there was race between HP, TI, Sharp and Casio for best calculator. Those four companies are still leading.
And usage of calculators did not change very much. At the bottom there are stupid calcs +-*/M%=, in the middle scientific and "programable" (Casio still has model with 28 bytes of memory) at the top there are pocket computers. The only news are graphic calculators, and symbolic algebra system.
The calculator world was not much changed. Languages are nonstandard, producer tries to hide secrets of machine code programming, the users hack to discover secrets.
During the same period, desktop computers had three generations: ROM-BASIC computers, single task OS and GUI Jumbo OS. A lot of companies went away, and those who have value less than 1000000000$ are not considered successful.
Some leading names from this time like
"Commodore", "Sinclair", "Atari", "Ashton tate", "Fox"
etc. are no longer in business, or bought by giants.
28 February 2000, 16:50 GMT
Re: Florida Calculators Give Wrong Answers
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
I had handwatch with calculator that calculated sometimes:
27 February 2000, 00:54 GMT
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