Patrick Davidson Releases Source Guru v0.2 Alpha
Posted by Nick on 16 February 2000, 01:00 GMT
Patrick Davidson has created a smashing new DOS program called Source Guru v0.2 Alpha. This converts your old-school TI-85 assembly programs for usage on the TI-92, for Fargo II. So far, Jezzball v2.2 for the 85 has been successfully converted without a hitch, and that's now in our archives for Fargo II. A new version should be released soon, but you can feel free to experiment with this one in the interim. Update (Nick): Patrick has updated Source Guru to v0.41. This version includes support for the TI-92 Plus, along with some other enhancements for the conversion. If you downloaded it before, download it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: Patrick Davidson Releases Source Guru v0.2 Alpha
math boy
Unfortunately I have a TI-89 and not a 92. Anyways, this should be very cool.
16 February 2000, 01:08 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Patrick Davidson Releases Source Guru v0.2 Alpha
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
If Source Guru is compatible with your program, the conversion is completely automatic, so you don't really need to do anything at all (other than maybe try a few different combinations of options).
However, there is some bad news with trying to port MegaRacers: the size. The problem is that not only is 68K code naturally a little larger than the Z80 equivalent, but Source Guru is far from perfectly efficient as well. Since the program still must use 16-bit addresses (think of how some FIND_PIXEL routines construct a video memory address, for example) it must fit in a 16-bit address space. Since the very lowest and highest parts of the 32K RAM are already used for other things, the program's code has to be "mapped" into the 24K of space in between. Therefore, if your program is larger than 24K when converted, it won't work.
So MegaRacers probably won't work as is, considering that it's a large program. On the other hand, if a lot of it is data (which won't expand) then it might fit. However, you still might need to make a 'lite' version so that it still fits after conversion.
16 February 2000, 02:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Patrick Davidson Releases Source Guru v0.2 Alpha
David Phillips
(Web Page)
What about not mapping the 68k code into the Z80 address space at all? Completely mimic the TI-85 address space, code and data, which is all the same anyway. If a program reads the code as data, then the current method will fail. This might help eliminate many of the address problems, since the 68k code will never have to read it's own code, just the original Z80 code.
If an instruction writes into the Z80 code, then that portion would be recompiled. Of course, this assumes that on-calc dynamic recompilation is taking place, but this might be more space efficient, since Z80 code is usually smaller than 68k.
16 February 2000, 02:26 GMT
Re: Patrick Davidson Releases Source Guru v0.2 Alpha
Andrew Magness
(Web Page)
Way to go Pat! This is awesome... I might just have to take out my plus module for this one :)
This may revive both the 85 and the 92....
Very Very cool!
16 February 2000, 01:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Patrick Davidson Releases Source Guru v0.2 Alpha
Philip Ringsmuth
(Web Page)
Just think about it, we'll be able to (in theory) run double emulation!! Just think, your 89 will be running an 86 emulator, and that emulator will be running an 83 emulator, and you'll be playing Lotus Turbo Challenge on your 89! This is just awesome!
One thing people talk about when a new video game system is released is backwards compatibilitly, as with the Playstation 2. You'll be able to play Playstation games on it. It's the same way with Nintendo's coming GameBoy Advance, you'll be able to play GameBoy Color and GameBoy games on it. Now with these amazing developments, it seems that no matter what the TI Corporation can throw at us, we'll take on the challenge in full force and soon be using all their past calculators on the new one. This is really cool. Great work Pat, and to whoever is responsible for emulation on the 86.
17 February 2000, 06:07 GMT
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