TI-GCC Library R1.1
Posted by Nick on 8 February 2000, 03:37 GMT
Zeljko Juric has released R1.1 of his TI-GCC Library. This version fixes many AMS 2.03 bugs and grayscale support is now implemented. A lot of other wacky programming stuff is in there, too. For those of you who spend as much of your time as possible living under oversized boulders, TI-GCC is a port of the GNU C Compiler to the 89/92+. The niftiness factors on both TI-GCC and the library are unusually high; check them out as soon as you can.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-GCC Library R1.1
Henry Pate
Congrats on the great program.
8 February 2000, 04:13 GMT
Re: TI-GCC Library R1.1
Bengt Werstén
(Web Page)
Wow, grayscale is cool.
Good job.
Bengt Werstén
8 February 2000, 07:52 GMT
Re: TI-GCC Library R1.1
(Web Page)
Too bad my linkport is broken. Anyone know what I could do?
8 February 2000, 13:51 GMT
GNU= Gnot unix?
(Web Page)
What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut laden swallow?
8 February 2000, 20:09 GMT
Re: TI-GCC Library R1.1
(Web Page)
Great, just what we need! Another HLL! Do we really need another TI-BASIC disaster? Okay, this is a compiled language, but does the fact that the 89/92 has a better CPU than a Z80 mean that you should use HLLs? Nope. Even x86 programmers still use asm, although inline, but still. As I always say:
GNU's not useful!
8 February 2000, 20:59 GMT

Re: Re: TI-GCC Library R1.1
Zeljko Juric
(Web Page)
See, I am really a great fan of assembler. I programmed in Z80 assembler on ZX Spectrum for more than 10 years and I can say that I am a guru in Intel 80x86 assembler (btw, one of my jobs is teaching of design of microprocessor based digital systems on University of Sarajevo). Together with my friend Samir Ribic, I made one program with over 1MB of source file in 80x86 assembler (Warajevo ZX Spectrum Emulator, look on my web page). So, nobody can say that I am against the assembler. But, I was really shocked when I saw how good is the code generated by TI-GCC when the optimization is turned on (switch -O2).
Look, for example, my (stupid) game CaveBlaster, and look procedures put_sprite and scroll_left written entirely in standard C. Then, compile it, and look at the generated code for these two procedures. I program in assembly from 1986 (14 years), but I really can not do them better even in pure assembly! Note that I made this game in 2 hours. It is only 3Kb long, and very fast (try speed 5, for example). I have a chalenge: made a game which is equally good (more precise, equally stupid), equally fast and in equal size of generated code in 2 hours of programming using pure ASM. And don't forget: this game 1) does not need any kernels, 2) work on any version of AMS. Note again that this is not a good game, this is a programming example which shows what can be done with TI-GCC quite fastly...
9 February 2000, 09:01 GMT
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