New Features at TI-News
Posted by Eric on 5 February 2000, 04:15 GMT
TI-News, the TI site devoted solely to reporting news related to TI's, has recently obtained a domain name. In addition, they now have a user system, poll system, and comments board. Check them out!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: New Features at TI-News
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
Great - they've got a message board, some neat features, a nice layout (although somewhat unorginal, to sya the least) -- if only there was some real CONTENT to make the site worth visiting.
Is it just me, or are they just too plagued by a lack of regular updates and constant downtime to even be worth visiting? Almost as bad as TI-Files was two years ago. . .
5 February 2000, 05:29 GMT
Re: New Features at TI-News
The search.php3 function doesn't work.
Use of Comment boards has been suspended.
This site was an exact rip off of slashdot. Not even ticalc went that far.
5 February 2000, 06:00 GMT
Re: New Features at TI-News
this is great... im glad to see that ti-news got a domain this is great of the ti community.
On a unrelated note, does anyone know what happened to
Thanks, Andy
5 February 2000, 09:20 GMT
Re: New Features at TI-News
Adam Berlinsky-Schine
(Web Page)
Server seems to be down, I guess it's suffering the effect :)
5 February 2000, 14:26 GMT
ti-files "hack"
heh, whoever "hacked" the ti-files page sure doesn't know html...check the preserved version of the html file they have at TI-News; he/she doesn't even know how to make a proper link. oh yeah, i ph33r.
5 February 2000, 19:28 GMT
Re: New Features at TI-News
Looks great...I guess the new unwritten, unofficial rule for TI-related sites is to have the same "slashdot" format...not that there's anything wrong with that. :-)
TOTALLY UNRELATED COMMENT: Does anyone else think "Collection of Classic Text Adventures" for the 89 should be a featured program? I love text adventures and think there should be more of them on calcs...not the "Drug Wars" or "Hic Quest" type of games, but _true_ text adventures, such as the ones found in this program.
5 February 2000, 21:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: New Features at TI-News
Zeljko Juric
(Web Page)
Huh... I will think about porting Infocom ones... the main problem is in the fact that Infocom databases are big (100K or more) and can not fit in one variable, and the interpreter for them is quite complex, Infocom interpreter is an emulator of one fictive computer called Z-machine. I have some PC sources of Z-interpreter, but they are quite big (over 300K). It is surely not impossible to port, but may take a lot of time. But, if anybody succeed to made a Z-interpreter for TI, this means not only Infocom titles, but over 300 freeware adventures made by various authors (look at, directory games/zcode), because today most of the authors uses Z-code format for making text adventures!
I released ScottFree for TI to test the pulse about adventure gaming on ticalc. But, if you like adventures, my next project will be QUILL runtime driver, which can be finished in one (or two) week (it is relatively easy to implement). It will allow playing of all QUILLed adventures on TI (more than 100 games).
Happy adventuring, and best wishes for everybody!
6 February 2000, 10:50 GMT
Re: New Features at TI-News
Doug Williams
(Web Page)
I don't know about everyone else but I personally like TINews. They do a great job and help me out a lot. I like the fact that they have the flexibility to add srticles that would usually get, for that is what their site is to do.
So I thank them for the service they provide!
7 February 2000, 01:00 GMT
Patrick W
well, about LIBRARY SUPPORT!!!!!!! (my program)
And I programmed it!
(my friend Paul Marks said to me eariler, "Can I hurt you?" after I bragged and boasted about the news article the whole day at school)
17 February 2000, 05:18 GMT
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