Pokemon 83 Demo by BASM
Posted by Nick on 7 January 2000, 23:19 GMT
BASM has released a nifty new demo of Pokemon for the 83 (SOS only). This demo version will be released soon for the 83 Plus as well. This is a demo version only and it still lacks many features. Graphically, though, the bugs seem to be entirely worked out. To exit the demo, press the ZOOM key. Good luck to BASM on their future projects.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Pokemon 83 Demo by BASM
Well... pokemon has finally found its way into a calculator... now if only somebody would help it finds it way into trash cans and our past memories... *sigh* couldnt they have made a nice final fantasy game instead of this?
Oh well, good work anyways BASM, and keep it up!
8 January 2000, 00:22 GMT
Re: Pokemon 83 Demo by BASM
Matthew Hernandez
(Web Page)
<sarcasm>Thanks for the support</sarcasm>
Anyways, let me explain the reasoning behind this program/project.
First off, I personally don't find Pokemon very interesting either. However, having a 10 year old brother, our house is full of it. The only involvement I have with Pokemon is the TCG (trading card game). My brother is really into the TCG, but never has anyone to play with. So I spent of *few* dollars to get some so he would have someone to play with...thats it. Sorry to dissapoint you in that you thought we were some pokemon-obsessed children.
Secondly, programming a game like pokemon takes some...um, skill! And it isn't like this demo came together over night. Rather, it took almost two months to complete! Hard work is the essence of the meaning here!
Thirdly, the skill required to make this game sets basm (www.basm.org) as a quality programming group. This will be the first true game release for basm and will immediately set us somewhere...um, great(couldn't think of another word...?).
Fourthly, the skill required to make this challenges those without the great skill that people like Wingbermuehle, Heald, Movax, etc. For me personally, I have learned a ton from making this program!
Lastly, there is no way you will ever know how much time went into the program...and you nor I really care if you do! But the fact is that it isn't the mere name of the program that we (basm) hope to use to pull ourselves higher up in the online TI-Community, its the programming skill required.
For all those complainers, I am already starting work on a RPG that will use the same engine (as it IS basm's engine!), but new graphics, character, and story. So, don't fret...pokemon isn't the dominating name here! :)
Matt H.
P.S. That should all be read in a calmly manner :)
8 January 2000, 01:11 GMT

Re: Re: Pokemon 83 Demo by BASM
Philip Ringsmuth
(Web Page)
Regarding your comment above (which instructed me to read this one, which I already had but oh well), I can see your standpoint on pokemon. I myself find the game utterly boring and no fun at all, but I definately can see where you're coming from.
It's the challenge, the thrill of being able to program things that you've never done before, the feeling you get when it's all finished and you say, "Hey, I made that!!". I'm working on a puzzle game on my 89 right now (BASIC), which incorporates never before seen things in BASIC such as level set detection, automatically calculated level set information, and other stuff.
Your group completing this project remindes me of my Zelda Demo. I spent more than six months of learning experience putting together that game, and it's wonderful. It's not all that much fun for me to play, but to realize what I did, that I learned how to do all that on my own, it's just awesome.
Congratulations on all your hard work. I can see it's definately paid off! I encourage you guys not to "give up" this project simply because it's pokemon. I am really looking forward to seeing the greyscale implementation, and how the rest of the game will work out. Your guys' challenges can be overcome, just stick with it!!
-Fil, Good luck guys!!
11 January 2000, 05:58 GMT
Re: Pokemon 83 Demo by BASM
Demos, something that has become normal on ticalc.org. Every week there is a new program that is released as a demo. Many times these demos are never finished. Just look at all the Zelda games. I sure hope that this game will be finished and not follow the same path as NBA Live.
8 January 2000, 04:46 GMT
Re: Pokemon 83 Demo by BASM
(Web Page)
Why is no one releasing games that have originality? Must everything written for calcs be rewrites of existing games? I don't mean to offend anyone, but it shouldn't be too difficult to think up something that's creative. I once played a game on my computer called Pyro. The whole point of the game was to go through a building lighting fires and escaping before you burn up in it. I loved playing it and I've never seen anything like that ever since. Sure, it had crappy ASCII art and junk sound effects, but it had GAMEPLAY. You can't make a good game on greyscale and a poplular name alone. You need something original and creative so people will say "Hey, this game looks fun," rather than "Oh goody, another <Over-Ported> game." I don't have an 83, so I have no idea how this game plays, but it sounds like a duplication of the Gameboy version. If I want to play that, I'll pay the $30 and play a full-working, final, playable version on my Gameboy. Anyway again, it's not my intention to insult or anger anyone, I'm just trying to inspire confidence into everyone that they CAN make good, original games for their calcs and not have to use the ideas and programs of other people. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
8 January 2000, 06:05 GMT

there are some
Not exactly..most calc games are clones of other games, but there are some that are original (or clones of games no one has ever played.
I can name many:
TND, sqrxz, penguins, fall down, xc-1701, d-star, vertigo, most rpgs, etc.
9 January 2000, 21:06 GMT
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