Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
Posted by Nick on 10 December 1999, 23:43 GMT
Preuvot directed me in an email to a kernel recently made by B. Lesteven. This kernel originally appeared on Ti.Fr and it should let two programs run well on the TI-89's new AMS versions 2.0x (Tetris and Phoenix). These updated programs are available for download from Ti.Fr's site. Michael Van den Bergh tested the kernel recently and emailed me with the results: "I have tested this new kernel. I can play Phoenix (which is great), but Tetris doesn't work. Neither does any other asm program... It is also quite clumsy to have to type launch("main\phoenix") to launch a game." Any other experiences you'd like to share with the new kernel - any games you got to work, any programs that had problems, it crashed your calculator entirely - any and all, please don't hesitate to email me.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
Really good, go on Lesteven!
10 December 1999, 23:47 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
I think 2.03 is going to be a bigger problem than 1.05 ever was as far as compatibility goes. I don't think there'll be a quick fix patch like there was the first time.
10 December 1999, 23:48 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
I think this kernel is great
Launch program is useful because of ti's limitation on ASM programs to 8ko
you can simply make:
In fact problem is with handles who have changed
Another problem is keys functions as you can see in tetris like for rom1.05
10 December 1999, 23:51 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
Doug Kay
I just have a stupid question to ask. Can you switch back to v1.00 after installing version 2.03? I am guessing that you can't, but I thought I should be sure anyway.
11 December 1999, 00:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back it up there. Are you saying that I can't install back to ROM Version 1.00 if I have Hardware Version 2.00? I think that is crap, but I don't have that version, so... I have Hardware Version 1.00, but I think I will end up getting 2.00, because my linkport screwed up on my Hardware 1.00, ROM 1.00 TI-89. If I send it to TI, they will just give me a brand new one, with 2.00, and I want ROM 1.00, or the ability to go back to it. Don't break me here. I am counting on the fact that I can change back...
11 December 1999, 03:36 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
Chris Perkins
(Web Page)
I have got another program to work with it and you do not have to write the launch thingy.Its blackjack sure it does not work perfectly but it is ok.
11 December 1999, 00:21 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
James abba shalaka Rubingh
(Web Page)
"launch(main\pheonix) is just sooo long" haha
89 users are lazy! "It's too hard to copy the previous command and change the game to the one i want to play" haha
11 December 1999, 02:21 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
(Web Page)
Let me know when SMQ works.
11 December 1999, 15:51 GMT
Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
billy bob
if anyone cares, ill probably make a shell so u could launch programs without having to type in launch(...), itll im guessin 3 to 4 week before i upload it to ticalc.
11 December 1999, 17:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ti.Fr Releases Kernel for AMS v2.03
(Web Page)
This is also easily done in ASM, all you have to do is something simialr to this (code after message) from inside of a shell. Someone could modify PlusShell do this quite easily.
move.l tios::top_estack,a0
subq.l #1,a0
clr.w -(a7)
move.l a0,-(a7)
jsr tios::SymFindPtr
addq.l #6,a7
move.l a0,d0
beq notfound
move.w 12(a0),d0 ;handle of prog in d0
move.w d0,-(a7)
jsr util::exec
addq.l #2,a7
pea pastrouve(pc)
jsr tios::ST_showHelp
clr.l (a7)
clr.w -(a7)
jsr tios::GKeyIn
addq.l #6,a7
pastrouve dc.b "Program not found",0
12 December 1999, 00:04 GMT