Scott Noveck Addresses Concerns With TI-89 Hardware v2.00
Posted by Nick on 18 November 1999, 03:15 GMT
Scott Noveck of Assembly Coder's Zenith (ACZ) wrote an interesting bit of information on his home page yesterday concerning exactly why Hardware Version 2.00 has problems with grayscale. The text of the news item is as follows: "Also, I've finally managed to get some important information from TI on the hardware and software differences between the original 89s and the 'new' ones (if you go to file -> about from the home screen and see 'Hardware Version 2.00,' then you have a new model - these have problems running several programs). In addition to the usual quirks found in ROM v1.05 that requires programs to be patched, some hardware modifications have been made that prevent greyscale from running the conventional way. I should be able to fix this, although any greyscale routines will need to be modified directly through the source - not just patched. Also, these are running the exact same processors that the old ones used - same speed and all. There were some modifications to the way the LCD screen refreshes, which does speed up complex math a lot on new models. More information coming soon =)" We hope this sheds some more light on the issue, and why it's so hard to upgrade some programs. Also, in the long run, this will help out with doing math on the calculator (which was its original intention *g*) which is a big plus in my opinion.
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Re: Scott Noveck Addresses Concerns With TI-89 Hardware v2.00
David Hart
(Web Page)
I think I'm correct in saying that most TI-89/92+ games use either graphlib or gray4lib for gray-scale, so most gray-scale programs could probably be made compatible with the new hardware version just by changing these libraries slightly. The programs which use the libraries wouldn't need any changes.
18 November 1999, 20:37 GMT
Re: Scott Noveck Addresses Concerns With TI-89 Hardware v2.00
I understand that Scott said that the hardware version 2.00 was the SAME processor as HW 2.00, speed and all, but how come E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y keeps saying that the processor speed is 12mhz, 2mhz faster than hardware v 1.00??? I don't get this. Where did those people get 12mhz from anyway??? Also, I heard some people say that 2.00 is superior to 1.00. Is that true?
18 November 1999, 20:40 GMT
2.00 , overclocking the ti-89
C Bauer
(Web Page)
The new version won't work with some of the games for some reason, I don't know why. It is only on the v2.00 though, I had to downgrade my calc version to 1.00 from another calculator to do this....why?!?!
Hey, does anyone know how to overclock the 89?
18 November 1999, 20:59 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: 2.00 , overclocking the ti-89
Jonathan Harris
Only Problem Is My Friends Accepted It!!!!
Now Its Screwed Forever.
This Is What Happens When You Overclock Your 89
WALLA WALLA, WA - On Wednesday, a seventh grader attending Lincoln Middle School accidentally overclocked his TI-89 "a bit too much," sources say.
The student, named Bryant Kramss, replaced the C9 capacitor with one made of pure radium for reasons unknown. According to family members, Bryant "felt he had an innate need to make his TI-89 three kilohertz faster" by replacing it with the insanely unstable element.
As noticeable in the picture, taken in supposedly total darkness, the 89 has obtained a pale greenish glow. Rumors that the modified 89 does 100! in under a picosecond are unconfirmed.
Bryant was admitted to Holy Family Hospital in Walla Walla on Thursday morning after he happened to notice the growth of a small tumor and an extra arm. He was then given prompt chemotherapy and he is now in serious condition. He is expected to fully recover very soon, as the dosage of radiation was not severe enough to cause any permanent damage.
The 89 is currently under the FBI's custody, which is having tests run on it. The source of the radium is still unknown.
19 November 1999, 03:25 GMT
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