HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
Posted by Nick on 9 November 1999, 22:59 GMT
The ubiquitous Olivier Miclo, of previous fame with his experience with ROM v2.00, pointed me to a site that has a simply wonderful HP-49 vs. TI-89 Comparison. It was translated from French, but the English is very good (and certainly readable). This is a bit of an old matter, but this comparison is very high-quality in my opinion: it offers many details.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
Diego Pontoriero
(Web Page)
dude 1st comment! (just testing poster anarchy whatchamacallit, i've been meaning to). I hope it is in fact the first comment!
9 November 1999, 23:06 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
wow, the comparisons are great but doesn't the time taken to solve certain problems depends on how much free RAM you have?
9 November 1999, 23:10 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
In my opinion, there is no comparison. TI calculators have too many advantages outside of the calcs themselves i.e. VTI. I don't think a kickbutt emulator like VTI exists for any of the HP calcs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
9 November 1999, 23:11 GMT

Re: Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
Eric Rechlin
(Web Page)
I know of four Windows emulators for HP graphic calculators: Emu48, Emu49, Emu38, and YorkeM (and there are two versions of YorkeM).
The standalone YorkeM that HP gives away is very buggy. The version of YorkeM that HP gives away with the SDK is okay, but not great.
Emu48, Emu49, and Emu38 are all based on the same code. The latest version of Emu48, 1.14, does an excellent job of emulating both the 48 and the 49. Unfortunately, Emu48 doesn't support grayscale like YorkeM does.
You can also get x48, an emulator for the Macintosh and Linux/Unix.
11 November 1999, 17:12 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
This is the first calc 'benchmark' I've seen. It reafirms what we already knew- the Ti is quicker in symbolic math, while the HP is great as a pure number cruncher-, but it is interesting to see how much faster the Ti's CAS is. I'd like to see a 'benchmark' featuring large integer and floating-point calculations. My guess, the HP would win, but not by as much of a margin.
9 November 1999, 23:37 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
lots of pictures missing :P
btw, off topic:
what does it mean when the flash rom can be rewritten 1000 times (read that on the "destroy your 89" page)?
9 November 1999, 23:54 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
(Web Page)
I think it's a tad biased.
10 November 1999, 01:38 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
Jacob Guilbeau
Have any of you guys been to hpcalc.org?
That place is completely confusing. I'm glad we have a place as organized as this to find what we need on our line of calcs. They need more direction and something...anyway...LONG LIVE TI!!!
10 November 1999, 02:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
Homer Simpson
(Web Page)
The page says something about hpcalc.COM, not .ORG!
Also, it says (near the top) that it tries not to make the 89 look better than the 49, because other pages seem to give an advantage to the 49. But he really makes the 89 look better, on purpose.
Several times, he notices that the 89 has external programs that do 'more' or 'better' than the 49 with its built-in programs. You know what: the 49 also has external programs! This kind of comparison (my external vs your built-in) isn't fair.
Also, the author uses TI-89 version 2.00, which does not exist (do you have v2.00? No, you don't!), and a real HP49 (there have already been several ROM updates from HP).
He notices, too, that the 49 doesn't autosimplify expressions. We knew that already. That's a good thing IMHO, because if you want to simplify an expression, you can (expand function etc...), but on the 89 it's impossible to know, inside a program, what the original expression was. It can be annoying in some cases.
I must agree, however, that displaying '^' under its 'exp...ln' form might be considered a bad idea.
15 November 1999, 00:23 GMT
Re: HP-49 vs. TI-89 Revisited by Olivier Miclo
(Web Page)
I think this a good comparaison!It's a god idea to take the time for the operations!http://www.jibsoft.fr.fm/
allez voir aussi mon comparatif ti89/casio graph100
10 November 1999, 12:40 GMT
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