2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
Posted by Travis on 5 February 2020, 02:52 GMT
The 2019 Program of the Year contest results are finally up! Congratulations to all the program authors of this year's roundup.
This was an unusually complex POTY, with an unprecedented number of categories. The Nspire category happened to tie just as the voting was closed. Normally we would run an additional tie-breaker poll, but due to the extremely long time period the contest had already run, the low number of votes cast, and some technical issues, we have decided instead to give a POTY award each to both programs which tied with the most votes.
And now some bad news. Because of the steady drop in number of votes during the last few contests and the increasing lack of time each year available to manage the contest, this will likely be our last POTY contest. While we intend to continue posting news features for noteworthy programs throughout the year, this means there will probably be no POTY for 2020. It's been an amazing 17-year run, and I'd like to thank everyone who has created and submitted programs, voted, sent in news tips, written news features for the site, and otherwise participated in the event.
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Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
Man, that's kind of sad... I kinda always hoped, that I would one day make a program that would at least make it to the voting phase... :-(
I think i might know the reason of this though: I've already met students, that have TI calculators, but have never heard of ticalc.org. Maybe advertising the site on facebook or something could help a bit with rounding up new voters?
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5 February 2020, 12:54 GMT
Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
Patrick Prendergast
Congrats to all the winners!
I don't think submissions or voting was particularly low this year - however ticalc.org staff aren't as active as they used to be due to other commitments no doubt.
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5 February 2020, 20:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
Lionel Debroux
(Web Page)
Hi Ryan :)
As one of your successors on the writing part (from the beginning, I've been the main writer of most of the articles posted by Xavier), and also earlier one of the people who triggered bursts of newsing work for yourself by inciting people to upload their archives to ticalc.org in time for the POTY, I can only echo what you wrote: features and the POTY are a lot of work for both the writers and Travis...
The huge number of categories featured in 2019, and therefore the higher burden on Travis (looks like I have a history of creating burdens of ticalc.org staff...), was unexpected to me. I expected at most 6 categories, and even 5 (single monochrome TI-Z80 category, 84+CSE, TI-(e)Z80, TI-68k, Nspire) made complete sense to me.
Heck, I even created a winner by default in the 85 category, though I always strived at avoiding them, because that's how I won my own single POTY (tiosmod+amspatch), as nobody had had time to feature / suggest at least another featureworthy archive uploaded the same year in the same category...
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20 February 2020, 22:04 GMT
Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
(Web Page)
Congrats all on the POTY results. Sad to hear this is likely the last one though.
Thanks for everyone's hard work over the years nonetheless, and I look forward to more news and programs submitted in the years to come :-)
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6 February 2020, 02:05 GMT
Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
(Web Page)
Congratulations to the PotY winners this year!
That said, I'm sad to hear that this might be the last year of Program of the Year, considering how long it's been part of my time in the community (and transitively, how big a part of my life the community has been). It inspired Cemetech's own Projects of the Month and Projects of the Year, but I think the imitations can never be quite as good or quite as prestigious as the original. I hope that there are so many great TI-84 Plus CE programs published and featured in the next year, and such an upsurge in activity, that you have no choice but to extend it for a few more years.
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10 February 2020, 21:40 GMT
Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
(Web Page)
It is very sad there will not be a POTY 2020. Seventeen good years. It is also sad people are losing interest in TI-Basic/z80/ez80, or calculator programming in general. I still will always program on calculators, since TI-Basic was the language that gave birth to my interest in programming. Those of you out there who still care for calculator programming... well, calculator- on! I guess. If that made sense.
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9 March 2020, 20:06 GMT
Re: 2019 POTY results (and an important announcement)
Patrick Prendergast
I guess ticalc.org weren't kidding with this announcement. Not only are they not having POTY, they aren't featuring programs [at all] anymore either.
For now they are still accepting uploads, however I suspect the discontinuation of that facility will be in the next press-release?
Tis a sad decline for a once great website.
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1 December 2020, 02:43 GMT