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Semi-recent uploads for the 83+ monochrome family
Posted by Xavier on 5 May 2019, 21:53 GMT

We'll get back to color models soon, but in the meantime, here are a couple mildly recent programs created using Axe Parser for the 83+ family, both provided with source code - development for these platforms isn't dead ;)

A while ago, Ibid 11962 tipped us about the Set (card game) he had recently uploaded to our archives. He had performed most of the foundational work in 2012, but eventually came back to finish and release the game after overhauling the code, upgrading the grayscale routines (GreyLib), and polishing the UI: menus, end game, etc. The game's binaries require a shell.

You may already have played this game over time. It uses a board containing 12 cards showing 1, 2 or 3 colored and shaded shapes; it consists in eliminating three cards which form a "set", defined by the fact that they share, or do not share, a common property on the shapes they bear: their number, their shape, their color or their shading. The game ends when the 12 cards do not contain a set anymore, and the deck of cards automatically given by the dealer is exhausted, and the winner is whoever picked up the highest number of sets. Of course, there are penalties for playing too slowly (the interval is configurable), or mis-selecting three cards which do not actually form a set, unless you make the game slightly easier by disabling that. All in all, it's a fun way to spend a bit of time on a game, honing your vision and perception skills.

In a different style, Josiah Winslow's Puzzler's Sudoku is a good TI-Z80 implementation of the classic game of Sudoku, whose 9x9 puzzles contain a single number from 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 block. The 100 included puzzles already give the game a good playing life, but it also has both a random puzzle mode and an external puzzle editor for creating packs of custom puzzles. Unlike some implementations, this one provides "pencil marks", a way to leave clues about the possible numbers in a grid's location. I use them every time I'm playing a Sudoku game, be it on paper or on a computer, and I avoid computerized implementations which don't have that possibility. Implementation-wise, the grayscale is performed without using GreyLib, and the game doesn't use MemKit for file handling either, because it was written without access to a computer which could run computer <-> calculator transfer applications.

Don't be shy tipping us about your more or less recent creations, even if the fact that we're trying to feature both old and new programs, across all platforms, will usually delay the feature somewhat :)

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Re: Semi-recent uploads for the 83+ monochrome family
ThunderBolt  Account Info

Holy heck, that interface for Sudoku is clever! These two did awesome jobs; great feature!

Reply to this comment    7 May 2019, 02:00 GMT

Re: Semi-recent uploads for the 83+ monochrome family
Jeffitus Account Info

Congratulations Ibid and Josiah, I've played Puzzlers Sudoku but I'll have to check out Set, it looks pretty nice!

Reply to this comment    8 May 2019, 03:20 GMT

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