Two augmented TI-Basic games for the 84+CSE
Posted by Xavier on 20 November 2018, 22:01 GMT
Let's highlight a couple augmented TI-Basic programs for the 84+CSE made by Daniel "zeldaking" Thacker, under the Linksoft Productions group name, which are another nice showcase of xLIBC's abilities.
In 4 KB of code + an appvar twice as large (in addition to DoorsCSE 8's well-justified weight, that is), CSE Blackjack packs a good implementation of the Blackjack card game (what else did you expect?), with a few tweaks to the rules, described in the README. It has the ability to save and restore games, an AI, and the graphics are nothing to laugh at. The bets in this kind of virtual games carry less risk than real money. There's a form of "teacher keys", but needless to say, you'd better play the game outside of your classes ;)
In a different, but equally addictive style, Minesweeper CSE is a solid implementation of the popular game ported to many platforms over decades. The graphics style, board size and number of mines can be customized; the expected happy / unhappy smiley face, flag counter and timer are also available. It won't take more than 14 KB of your precious memory, which is pretty reasonable. There are no save games here, but the original game doesn't have them either :)
To date, in order to go beyond what pure TI-Basic has to offer without diving all the way to C and eZ80 ASM, the TI-eZ80 series has, for instance, the powerful ICE framework, which was previously featured here. However, as far as the writers of this article know, for reasons unknown to them, the TI-eZ80 series still doesn't have a publicly available port of xLIBC ("xLIBCE"), based on the shared community library framework, which is a shame. The screenshots in the usual half-resolution mode, as well as the backwards compatibility, looked great.