Chrono Fantasy RPG beta - the TI-68k binaries are finally available - TI-68k
Posted by Xavier on 3 May 2018, 21:05 GMT

Several months ago, Patrick "PpHd" PĂ©lissier uploaded binaries for the Chrono Fantasy RPG for the TI-68k series, made in the early 2000s by the TimeToTeam family (TI-89/89T version, 92+/V200 version).
"CF", as it is sometimes referred to, is written in 68000 assembly, and features advanced grayscale graphics. It's one of the most complex RPGs ever written for the TI-68k series, mixing elements from several games made for other platforms. The footprint (both RAM and Flash) is significant, so you'd better archive most data - which is a good idea anyway - but the features have got to come from somewhere, right?
Sadly, the program could never be developed to the full potential intended by the team of authors, as the source code was lost many years ago when the hosting provider closed shop without a warning, taking the data away and crashing the project... Nevertheless, the (patched) binaries in this beta demo version are in good shape overall, and better than the binaries corresponding to the latest, yet older, source code available from the archives (TI-89 version, 92+ version).
Like Fer3C and SMA, featured in late 2017, Chrono Fantasy requires a so-called kernel, preferably PreOS by the same author. Hardcore fans of CF who don't need function graphing or a subset of the usual math abilities of their TI-68k calculator could even run it on PedroM instead of AMS: providing more free RAM than AMS so that CF can run more easily was rumored to be one of the background design goals for PedroM.