Yet a few more Axe games for the monochrome 83+/84+
Posted by Xavier on 19 November 2017, 18:08 GMT
We already featured some calculator clones of popular desktop / smartphone games in the past, e.g. Flappy Birds. Let's highlight several more clones of small games, all of them for the monochrome 83+/84+ family, written in Axe, and displaying grayscale graphics, by Josiah "JWinslow23" Winslow and Deep Thought.
- TI-2048 is among the more advanced versions of the game where you need to shuffle (and hopefully stack) tiles whose values are powers of two, to generate tiles of the next power of two, until the 2048 tile appears. This is much easier said than done, as the tile map is only 4x4, and a tile of low value appears randomly upon every single move. Even if you manage to get a 1024 tile, you're still a long ways off producing a 2048 tile; as such, the game can be quite addictive (or frustrating). In this version of 2048, all of highscores, animations, custom font and saving/restoring the game are implemented.
- In Shutdown Deluxe, a Lights Out clone, you need to turn off the lights in a 6x6 grid, either fully lit or partially lit at random. Obviously, you're not turning them off the easy way (what did you expect, exactly? ;-) ): changing the state of any of the lights affects its neighbours' state, too. The game can always be won, FWIW.
- PapiJump is a simplistic platformer whose goal is jumping as high as possible, without falling off below the bottom of the screen outside a platform. In the beginning, it's easy, but as platforms become scarcer, the number of possible paths decreases to 1... then eventually 0. Sorry, unlike the two other games, this one can't be won. The parallax scrolling over the background gives a nicer touch, graphics would be blander without it.

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Re: Yet a few more Axe games for the monochrome 83+/84+
Stefan Bauwens
(Web Page)
Great to see some activity haha. Lots of great programs are being featured. :) Well done guys!
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19 November 2017, 21:05 GMT
Re: Yet a few more Axe games for the monochrome 83+/84+
Josiah Winslow
Wow, I can't believe someone finally featured my first ever game in Axe, Shutdown Deluxe! That game really takes me back...
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19 November 2017, 23:36 GMT