Flap Happy
Posted by Ryan on 4 March 2014, 03:41 GMT
Allow me to pose a mental exercise: What is the sound of one bird flapping?
This riddle, which dates back thousands of years and is wholly accurate, was proposed by a ridiculously wise man -- some might say too wise. Others might say that he never said it at all. Nevertheless, the purpose of this deep and philosophical question is to prepare the fragile spirit for the brutality that a nefarious group of programmers have decided to spawn. Let's call them Flappers. Wait, that's already taken. Alright, then we'll call them Birdies... evil, evil Birdies.
As most people who surf the web know, Flappy Bird is a mobile game that has taken the world by storm -- a horrible, horrible flappy storm -- and has spawned more cheap imitations than a major cola brand. Known for its deceptively simple and addictively difficult premise, this is a game that even the developer feels should be avoided.
Still, these "Birdies", as we all implicitly agreed to use when talking about these developers, apparently feel that we're all a bit too productive and not suffering from enough allostatic load. I present to you, the hereto forewarned reader, the dark and tumultuous zeitgeist of the calculator community:
Well folks, there you have it. It's not quite what Hitchcock or du Maurier foresaw, but it's still awfully flappy.
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Re: Flap Happy
(Web Page)
I forsee a Flappy Bird sub-directory for the 83p-BASIC/83p-ASM/Nspire Lua sections in the near future. :P
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5 March 2014, 08:12 GMT
Re: Flap Happy
Some of these are actually fun
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26 April 2014, 00:17 GMT