Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Posted by Travis on 2 June 2011, 16:00 GMT
In record-breaking time slightly shorter than the heat death of the universe, we are pleased to bring Ryan Boyd on board as our new news editor. Ryan will be working to improve the timeliness and coverage of news articles posted on ticalc.org. Please welcome him to the team!
While we're on the subject, don't forget that news suggestions are always welcome at contact@ticalc.org.
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The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Welcome to the team! I hope this allows us to see more news articles from the TI community.
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2 June 2011, 16:14 GMT
Re: Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
Whew, it was about time. I wondered if there were even anyone that met the criterias or something x.x. I do not think I know the person, but congrats! Hopefully this should allow ticalc to post more news again for a long while.
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2 June 2011, 20:08 GMT
Re: Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Ryan Boyd
(Web Page)
I'm not going to lie, after being an avid reader and surfer of ticalc.org for well over a decade, it's pretty exciting to have a position here. I am definitely looking forward to staying on top of the news to the best of my ability. However, as you all know, there is a lot of really good information pertaining to our favorite platforms scattered far and wide across the internet. As Travis mentioned, news suggestions are always welcome by submitting an e-mail to contact@ticalc.org. You may also reach me at my e-mail here --> ryanb@ticalc.org. I am open to any and all suggestions, so long as they are in the spirit of the site that we all know and love.
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2 June 2011, 21:53 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Ryan Boyd
(Web Page)
Thanks for the welcome. I do not currently have any programs hosted anywhere. The vast majority of my programming days are archived on a stack of 3.5" floppy disks, still boxed up from my last move somewhere. Believe me, there isn't anything impressive in there, however, I actually would like to go back through and take a gander at some of my old work as well (you've raised my curiosity!). When I get the time, I can dig them out and, assuming that the disks are still in working order, get them transferred to a more permanent storage setup and share them with anyone who's curious. From what I remember, it's mostly math apps and a handful of mediocre games, along with some busted sprite routine that I was working on for the 83. Emphasis on *busted*.
I am on IRC most days of the week, however, it is often in the background while I'm working. If anyone wants to get my attention on there, the best way to do so is to PM me.
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2 June 2011, 22:39 GMT

Re: Re: Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Ryan Boyd
(Web Page)
It is my intention to *try* to cover news and feature programs for all of the platforms that this site deals with. If you check my account page, you'll see that I own many different models. I want to make sure that nobody who visits ticalc.org gets left out simply because of what model of calculator they own.
That being said, this is why the community is so important. It is absolutely impossible for the entire ticalc.org staff, let alone just the lowly news guy, to catch every single thing that happens out there (there always seems to be something interesting cooking up somewhere). As I said before, I appreciate ALL news suggestions, sent either to myself (ryanb@ticalc.org) or contact@ticalc.org. Even if the news may pertain to a platform that I don't own, I simply will not allow that to be a reason for the exclusion of something that deserves to be featured. I'm sure that I don't need to tell you, but there are a lot of unbelievably talented programmers out there who really bust their humps on delivering some top-notch software for the TI platforms, and I appreciate and respect the work that they do regardless of platform or language (ASM, BASIC, etc.).
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5 June 2011, 13:17 GMT
Re: Ryan Boyd Joins ticalc.org
Hey, cool! Only 1030 steps to go if you step it up and do 2 steps next year, 3 the next, and so on, you could be finished in 4 years!
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5 September 2011, 22:43 GMT