Ndless 1.7 Update; Ncubate Released
Posted by Travis on 4 December 2010, 14:59 GMT
Ndless 1.7
has just made its way into the file archives. This update features OS 1.7 compatibility and the ability to perform calculator-to-calculator installation without a computer.
Olivier Armand
(“ExtendeD”) has also released
an enhanced version of
which adds save states and support for the GNU GDB C debugger.
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Re: Ndless 1.7 Update; Ncubate Released
(Web Page)
Rumors (which are real, in fact) are being spread...
Ghosts whisper...
... shhhhhhh ...
...Ndless 2.0....... shhhhhh ...touchpad ... shhh
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4 December 2010, 18:05 GMT
Re: Ndless 1.7 Update; Ncubate Released
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
Awesome! I should downgrade to 1.7 at one point since I don't really need 2.0.1.
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4 December 2010, 20:14 GMT
Re: Ndless 1.7 Update; Ncubate Released
I wonder how long it is until TI removes OS 1.7 from their site now. :(
Fortunately I've already got a copy, should I ever get an Nspire.
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4 December 2010, 20:37 GMT
Re: Ndless 1.7 Update; Ncubate Released
chris houston
OMG, how much longer until we can have a Ti-Nspire that is loaded with the newest OS and ndless (ssshhh!) ?
Lol, I hope that Ti doesn't play the same "cat-and-mouse game" as Apple did with the os of the ipod, ipad and iphone. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it..."
Still pretty awesome.
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6 December 2010, 00:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ndless 1.7 Update; Ncubate Released
Lionel Debroux
(Web Page)
> Shouldn't Ti be happy someone is developing something like Ndless for free? It will make their calculators more versatile and more people be more likely to buy one.
In the mindset of members of the open development community, definitely, as the versatility of the TI-Z80 and TI-68k platforms is what made their success in the marketplace.
In their mindset of making closed technology and selling it at a much, much higher price tag than it costs them to produce (it's not just the calculator - the wireless "TI-Nspire navigator" is being experimented in classrooms), and making it harder (e.g. with that sub-par BASIC) for students to become producers instead of remaining consumers, certainly not.
> Also, would it be possible to make a C/C++ compiler/IDE for the ti-nspire (oncalc) that could edit C/C++ files and compile directly from C/C++ files into .tns files that Ndless can handle?
The Nspire is definitely powerful enough for a C compiler, given that the less powerful TI-68k platform can run the GTC compiler + IDE :)
This may require the Ndless libc to be expanded further than its current state, by finding more functions into the huge OS or by reimplementing them.
> Additionally, can the Usb port be accessed through Ndless?
Not currently.
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6 December 2010, 08:18 GMT