2010 POTY Voting Opens
Posted by Travis on 2 December 2010, 13:20 GMT
Program of the Year voting for 2010 has started! Each week for the rest of this month we will be posting a survey for each category for the programs that were featured this year. Vote each week for your favorite program. The program that wins the most votes will receive the POTY award in its category.
Winners will be announced in January and will be awarded the special POTY screenshot. More information can be found on the POTY page.
This year we have a new category for TI Nspire programs. Also, for the first time in history, there will be a survey for TI-81 programs, because there were two featured TI-81 programs this year.
The poll for the TI-81 category is now open. Go vote! The two candidates are:
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Re: 2010 POTY Voting Opens
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
So there is:
* an ASCII art TI-BASIC RPG, ported to the TI-81 by removing features until it fitted (Illusiat),
* the first ever assembly shell for the TI-81, a calculator which doesn't even have a link port (Unity).
To me, it's clear what's the higher technical achievement!
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2 December 2010, 16:29 GMT
Re: 2010 POTY Voting Opens
ok, so what if someone gets featured this month?
Will they be added to the poll?
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2 December 2010, 20:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: 2010 POTY Voting Opens
(Web Page)
Looks to me like these are the TI-83/+/SE/84+/SE candidates for 2010:
Age of Culture II (hybrid, featured in May)
Axe Parser (ASM, featured in May)
Bubble Breaker (ASM, featured in July)
Geometry Wars (ASM, featured in July)
xLIB (ASM, featured in July)
The Impossible Game (ASM, featured in August)
Contra83 (BASIC, featured in August)
Doors CS 7 (ASM, featured in August
Space Dash 1.2 (Axe, featured in September)
Splut (Axe, featured in October)
Mimas (ASM, featured in October)
Cuberunner (Axe, featured in October)
Simul (Axe, featured in November)
Bejewelled (ASM, featured in November)
Puyo Puyo (Axe, featured in November)
Wow, Travis and Chronomex and Nikky, I think different categories, like "utilities/shells/libraries" and "games" might be in order here. :) What do you guys think?
Also, there's only a single TI-82 candidate (Robot Wars), so that pretty much wins that category by default.
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3 December 2010, 02:11 GMT
Re: 2010 POTY Voting Opens
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
On a side note I think this is the earliest POTTY in ages. I remember a few years ago it sometimes started in mid-December and results would be announced in February. :P
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3 December 2010, 05:26 GMT
Re: 2010 POTY Voting Opens
Interesting. I noticed that there were no computer utilities featured this year.
Which means that while we have two new calculator polls, and one "wins by default" calculator section, but minus one "regular" poll.
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3 December 2010, 13:48 GMT
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