Lionel Debroux Releases AMS Patcher
Posted by Travis on 25 October 2010, 13:41 GMT
Lionel Debroux
has been working on a utility that makes it possible for developers to create sets of patches that users can apply to their copies of the OS on 68K calculators (and possibly Z80-based models as well in the future). This opens up a vast realm of possibilities—optimizing routines to speed up aspects of calculator operation, fixing bugs that TI has failed to correct, and adding customizations to the OS, to name a few.
current software
consists of two parts: “tiosmod,” meant to provide generic TI-OS patching functions, and “amspatch,” a set of patches for several versions of Advanced Mathematics Software. Currently the patchset includes shrinking AMS 2.08 and 2.09 to provide an extra 64 KB of archive memory, removal of execution protections and the restriction on ASM program size, some optimizations and bug fixes, and more.
TIOSMOD is still in an active state of evolution and is intended to open the door to a new beginning where the community itself is able to make continued improvements to TI-OS where TI left off and abandoned development. Contributions are welcome!
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Re: Lionel Debroux Releases AMS Patcher
Lionel Debroux
(Web Page)
Thanks tev, I definitely didn't expect a feature right now :)
It would seem that I'm the first person to release a somewhat generic and extensible patcher program for TI-68k OS (and hopefully TI-Z80 OS in the future, if it makes sense to support both TI-68k OS and TI-Z80 OS in the same program)... and frankly, I still wonder why.
It's not that it's a very time-consuming coding or design task: I spent less than 10 man-days on it, and there are currently less than 1500 lines of raw source code.
It's not that it was hard to run non-default OS on TI-68k calculators: it has been possible for about ten years, with TIB-Receiver and later FSign+FreeFlash.
It's not that the number of patches is so low that it's not worth the trouble: the current version of amspatch contains 15 patches of five different kinds (6 for unlocking, 4 for optimizing, 3 for fixing, 1 for shrinking and 1 for expanding).
Final note: I probably won't be the one adding TI-Z80 OS support, because, as everybody knows, I'm no experienced TI-Z80 programmer :)
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25 October 2010, 14:36 GMT
Re: Lionel Debroux Releases AMS Patcher
I ever wondered what we could do to about the TI-OSes and this seems the best solution. Making a 3rd party OS is too difficult and students should keep the TI-OS for not having trouble in exams.
In my opinion this is one of the best calculator program idea ever.
I hope a z80 version is done to patch some bugs already corrected by Brandon Wilson, optimize the space usage, make use of all RAM Pages in older models (hint hint) and who knows the interface (do a simple shell like for ASM programs) and optimize TI-BASIC interpreter itself with CelticIII included. (ok asking too much already, but is maybe easier than a full blow 3rd party OS)
I hope this gets enough exposure and attention to many "advanced" calculators' users and even others.
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25 October 2010, 18:50 GMT

Re: Re: Lionel Debroux Releases AMS Patcher
Brandon Wilson
(Web Page)
The best, long term, and least legally ambiguous solution is to create a third party operating system with full backwards compatibility with the TI-OS and containing the other things we want to see out of the OS (such as full use of all the RAM pages for variable storage that you alluded to, which is something that can't be easily patched into the TI-OS), and that remains the goal for at least myself and possibly others.
A shorter term solution, though, is exactly this: a generic patching application that allows users to pick and choose what they want to do to their OS, and the legal ambiguity and responsibility is shifted to them instead (and the writers of the patches themselves).
I've had a very specific idea on how this would be done for the Z80 series for quite some time, so if I were to find the time to work on it, I'm not sure I would put it in this same application.
Hopefully somebody else will do it so I don't have to worry about it. :)
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26 October 2010, 03:57 GMT