Changes in File Upload Procedures
Posted by Nikky on 1 April 2010, 05:35 GMT
In order to serve our users better, we are implementing an immediate change in our file upload policies. Without question, the wide array of quadratic solvers in TI-83+ BASIC is the most useful and successful section of Millions of students from across the world have struggled with the scourge of quadratic equations, and through the effort of the entire community we have made great progress in quadratic solver equality for all.
But we still need your help.
That’s why we are now beginning to require that all program submissions, regardless of type, language, or platform, must be submitted alongside with an original TI-83+ BASIC quadratic solver. This will ensure that our archive continues to be full of outstanding quadratic solvers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this just for each new file uploaded? What about an update to an existing program?
A: We certainly don’t want to hinder your program updates. So at this point in time, we will only be requiring quadratic solvers be included for new programs. This policy may change in the future if we decide that more quadratic solvers are needed.
Q : I know that loves screenshots. Do you have any tips for this new policy to ensure that we're complying with the screenshot standards?
A : We recommend that you include an animated gif showing your program solving a quadratic equation. This will assist us in seeing that your solver is unique. In fact, one problem is the bare minimum--the more the better!
Q: Do I include the quadratic solver in my main .zip file, or as a separate submission to be uploaded at the same time?
A: We are working on changing the upload form to include a field where you can upload the quadratic with. Until that point, please include the quadratic solver as part of your normal submission. We will extract your quadratic program and include it in the proper directory.
Q: You mentioned that these need to be “original.” Can you explain a little more?
A: Yes, each program will be ran through our proprietary source code checker and compare the uploaded quadratic solver with those in our archives. If the code matches, the submission is invalid and we will not approve your file.
Q: Wait. So you’re saying that if I make a BASIC shell program, I still need to create a quadratic solver?
A: Yes.
Q: What about a TI-89 ASM Library? Do I need to include a solver?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I submit the solver in any format besides TI-83+ BASIC?
A: No.
Q: Do I need to include a readme for my quadratic solver?
A: Of course.
If you have any questions, concerns, or opinions you would like to share on this change, please let us know. We welcome all viewpoints.