Signing Keys and the DMCA
Posted by Astrid on 21 September 2009, 08:13 GMT
Continuing in our key-factoring saga
more recently),
it appears that United-TI has received a DMCA notice from TI asking
them to remove the user-posted copy of the keys from public
availability. United-TI complied with the request.
United-TI staff member DarkerLine has
posted on the issue. He writes,
As a result of another DMCA notice, this one directed at United-TI, I've gone back and deleted a few of the keys (the notice said nothing about the app keys, so I've left those up, although that may change in the future as well). I'm sure there are other places to find them, the aforementioned Wikileaks being one, so this doesn't seem like a terribly big deal.
The keys are available at wikileaks and elsewhere.
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Re: Signing Keys and the DMCA
Because this ordeal seems to be in legal ambiguity, I'd point out that halting the distribution of these keys, as TI requests that we do, comes down to courtesy. It seems silly for them to ask this of the community whose future they stymied as much they could by releasing the most closed graphing calculator family to date. Tit for tat has no place in the interpretation of legislation, but that doesn't seem to be the issue here. I, for one, would take them more seriously if they could be more responsive with matters pertaining to Nspire.
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21 September 2009, 08:36 GMT
Re: Signing Keys and the DMCA
(Web Page)
Might I direct you all to a Slashdot-frontpage pingback? 1418256/TI-vs-Calculator- Hackers?art_pos=2
(or click my URL on this post)
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21 September 2009, 16:49 GMT
Re: Signing Keys and the DMCA
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
Too late, TI, even people who have no use for these keys (BASIC programmers like me) alerady have them saved somewhere on their PC and I wouldn't be surprised if they were alerady on p2p sites.
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21 September 2009, 19:13 GMT
Re: Signing Keys and the DMCA
(Web Page)
Trying to stop the spread of these now is an exersize in futility. ~jlg95/stuff/ [remove the space, or click my link]
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21 September 2009, 23:28 GMT
Re: Signing Keys and the DMCA
(Web Page)
El Reg has posted an article on this story - see website link or texas_instruments_calculator_hacking/
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23 September 2009, 12:46 GMT