Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Posted by Michael on 7 January 2009, 17:52 GMT
You may have recently noticed the efficient processing of new files to our archives. This is the work of our two new file archivers, Travis Evans and Nikky Southerland. We wish to welcome them to the staff. In addition to their archiving duties, they have been hard at work organizing our archives. Read more below for the proposed structure.
Comments (both of support for our new archivers and on the organizational structure below) are encouraged. This list was painstakingly developed by our archivers.
- 83plus/basic/games
- arcade: Miscellaneous arcade games
- arcade/asteroids: Asteroids-style games
- arcade/chasing: All chasing/dodging/collecting-style games (except for snake games, which have their own folder)
- arcade/fighting: Arcade-style or realtime fighting games
- arcade/frogger: Frogger games
- arcade/platform: Side-scrolling action platform games
- arcade/pong: Ping-pong or pinball-type games (examples include pong, pinball, and breakout)
- arcade/racing: Car/racing games (other than Tunnel)
- arcade/reflex: Reflex-oriented games (such as button-mashing games, Dance Dance Revolution, Whack-a-Mole, ...)
- arcade/shooter: Action shooting games and shoot-'em-ups
- arcade/snake: All snake- and Nibbles-like games
- arcade/tunnel: All tunnel-like games
- board: Non-gambling family board games
- board/cards: Family card games
- board/chess: Chess, checkers, and similar games
- board/dice: Dice games
- board/strategy: Strategy board games
- board/tictactoe: Tic-tac-toe games
- casino: Miscellaneous casino games and games involving betting, as well as casino/gambling game collections
- casino/cards: Card-based casino/gambling games
- casino/chance: Chance-based casino/gambling games
- chance: Miscellaneous non-gambling games of chance
- chance/guessing: Basic guessing games, including guess-the-number games
- chance/rps: Rock, Paper, Scissors games
- collections: Files consisting of multiple games crossing several genres
- educational: Educational games
- fps: First-person ("3-D") shooters
- levels: Levels for BASIC games
- misc: Games that don't fall into any of the other categories (uploads are no longer allowed in the 83plus/basic/games root, so anything that doesn't fit anywhere else should go here).
- misc/amusements: Programs which aren't quite games, strictly speaking, but meant to be fun amusements or "toys." Examples: Fun/non-serious quizzes, fortune tellers, jokes, etc.
- puzzle: Miscellaneous puzzle games
- puzzle/blocks: "Block"games, e.g. Block Dude, Tetris, Columns, Yoshi
- puzzle/codes: Codebreaking games
- puzzle/lightsout: Lights-Out-style games
- puzzle/maze: Mazes or maze-like games
- puzzle/memory: Memory games such as Simon and number-memorization
- puzzle/minesweeper: All Minesweeper clones
- puzzle/number: Number-based puzzle games. Examples: math
quizzes, sudoku
- puzzle/slider: Puzzle games involving sliding pieces around, e.g. fifteen puzzle, sokoban
- puzzle/strategy: Puzzle strategy games that aren't usually played as board/table games, such as Gridrun, Towers of Hanoi, Knights, Nim, peg games, Rubik's cubes
- puzzle/trivia: Trivia games (such as Trivial Pursuit, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?)
- puzzle/word: Word/language games (examples: Hangman, crossword puzzles, madlibs)
- rpg: Graphical role-playing and adventure games
- rpg/battle: Games consisting of primarily RPG-style fighting and not much else
- rpg/dbz: Dragon Ball Z games
- rpg/hacking: Computer "hacking"-style RPGs
- rpg/pokemon: Pokemon-based games
- rpg/text: Text-only (ignoring any graphical title screens)
adventure games based solely on menus or command-line prompts (note
that ASCII-art graphics/maps don't count as text; these should still go
in the main games/rpg directory)
- simulation: Simulation-style games, such as "calculator
pet"/Tamagotchi games, flight simulators, SimCity/SimEarth/Sim[whatever] clones
- sports: Sports games--baseball, bowling, football,
soccer, dodgeball, basketball, etc.
- strategy: Non-puzzle strategy games, such as tactical war games and artillery games (Scorched Earth/Worms clones)
- 83plus/basic/graphics
- .: Miscellaneous graphics programs
- 3d: Three-dimensional graphics programs
- drawing: Drawing/image-editing programs
- screensavers: Screen-saver-style animations
- 83plus/basic/programs
- .: Any miscellaneous programs that don't fall into any of the below categories
- development: Programming/development tools
- encryption: Cryptography-related and encryption programs
- gametools: Programs which are game-related but not games in
themselves--examples: score keepers, dice rollers, Yu-Gi-Oh! counters,
strategy guides
- info: Programs consisting of mainly informational content or fictional or nonfictional texts
- language: Human language programs, such as translators, tutors, dictionaries, and miscellaneous language-manipulation tools
- linking: Programs utilizing the link port: chat programs, sound players, etc.
- money: Money-related programs that don't fall under the math/finance category: change counters, tip calculators, etc.
- music: Music-related programs: chord dictionaries, trackers, etc.
- password: Password utilities such as non-encrypting password-protection programs and random password generators
- pim: Personal information management programs, e.g. address books, organizers, note-taking programs, diaries
- probability: Random number generators, random number analysis programs, etc.
- productivity: Productivity ("office") software such as text editors or word processors, spreadsheets, and database applications
- school: School- or education-related programs: homework managers, grade trackers, quizzes, etc.
- shells: Shells, program launchers, and "operating systems"
- simulation: Miscellaneous simulation and artificial intelligence programs
- time: Time programs--calendars, time calculation utilities, clocks, stopwatches, timers, etc.
- utils: Miscellaneous utility programs
- utils/data: Data manipulation and editing utilities--examples: data converters (e.g. picture <-> list, real <-> string), compressors, text formatters, variable editors
- utils/memory: Memory utilities, such as"clean-up" programs, mode setting switchers, and the like
- utils/system: System utilities, like battery checkers, speed benchmarking programs, startup programs, etc.
- 83plus/basic/science
- .: Miscellaneous science programs
- biology, chemistry, electricity, physics: Self-explanatory
- unitconv: Measurement unit converters. These were moved here from
math/converters, which now contains only things like base, coordinate,
angle, and time converters.
Reply to this article
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Nikky Southerland
(Web Page)
Travis has been fairly amazing on this whole reorganization project--he's basically doing it himself.
In the meantime I'm monitoring, which means that a) file specific correspondence will now be read and responded to, and b) the "inappropriate file" box is now monitored!
Regarding the inappropriate file box, we're working on rephrasing that soon, but in the meantime feel free to use it to report just about anything regarding the file.
Reply to this comment
7 January 2009, 19:30 GMT
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Patrick Stone
(Web Page)
Welcome and we're glad to have you. I surely hadn't been holding up my end of the file archiving task, mainly due to no time. Hope you guys can stay focused and give the users the response time they deserve (which I was unable to provide).
Reply to this comment
7 January 2009, 23:11 GMT
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
Wow congrats. Travis seemed pretty active at ticalc, I'm sure he will do a great job. I was surprised with Nikky since he is alerady admin of Calcgames (and is also file archiver there with tifreak8x and doing a bit of everything), but seeing his work on Calcg I'm sure he will do a very great job here on ticalc too.
Also I love the new directory layout, especially now that almost every programs has been moved to each appropriate sections. I noticed the new sections a month ago but no news were posted yet.
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8 January 2009, 00:35 GMT
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Rob van Wijk
(Regarding 83plus/basic/science/unitconv/)
Wouldn't it be better to put everything related to unit conversion into math/unitconv/? It seems like that would be a lot more consistent.
On a related note, is it technically possible to "symlink" from one part of the archive tree to another? For instance, keep a "unitconv" item in science/ but make it a link to math/unitconv/ instead of an actual directory.
Another way of implementing this would be to not have any files in science/unitconv/, only the message "these can be found here" (with "here" a hreffed to math/unitconv/ of course).
Good to see ticalc getting out of hibernation. Good luck Travis and Nikky!
Reply to this comment
9 January 2009, 14:09 GMT
Re: Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Travis Evans
«(Regarding 83plus/basic/science/unitconv/)
Wouldn't it be better to put everything related to unit conversion into math/unitconv/? It seems like that would be a lot more consistent.»
Well, as I went through these, I started seeing a bunch that had everything from the usual length/temperature/etc. conversions to more specialized, arguably scientific things like Joules, kinetic/potential energy, etc., all combined into one program (and being in the science directory already). This makes things a bit complicated. But since most of these units and conversions are probably usually used in science, that's why I put them there.
«On a related note, is it technically possible to "symlink" from one part of the archive tree to another? For instance, keep a "unitconv" item in science/ but make it a link to math/unitconv/ instead of an actual directory.»
It's supposed to be, but the last time I tried it I couldn't get it to work for some reason. I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong or if it was a bug. But that actually sounds like the best idea. I'll have to look into that.
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9 January 2009, 15:42 GMT
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
I can personally attest to what a good job they're doing: I submitted a file and it was up the next day. Also, when I emailed about problems with some of my older files, they were corrected within a day. As for the organization of the archives, it's great; now I don't have to wade through 1,000 programs to find a type of game that there are 10 of. Keep up the good work!
Reply to this comment
9 January 2009, 18:56 GMT
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
I'm unsure if I missed it but was there finally a directory added just for Yu-Gi-Oh life point counters? I remember a few years ago at least one appeared in the archives everytime Jason/Joey updated the archives
Reply to this comment
10 January 2009, 01:54 GMT
Re: Travis Evans & Nikky Southerland Join
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
I am also curious if the summer screenshooting project will ever be revived? I remember they did it almost every year. There are still a lot of files with no screenshots in the archives.
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10 January 2009, 01:56 GMT
Some modifications
Travis Evans
I just made a few changes:
* There is now a directory named 83plus/basic/math/unitconv which is a link to 83plus/basic/science/unitconv (meaning that both directories will always have the same contents)
* 83plus/basic/math/converters has been renamed to 83plus/basic/math/numconv (numeric converters) for consistency with the name ‘unitconv’
* I added a link at 83plus/basic/games/misc/gametools to 83plus/basic/programs/gametools
* 83plus/basic/graphics/screensavers has been removed and its contents moved to 83plus/basic/media/animations. I did this because there were a quite a few “screensaver” programs in media/animations already and I don't see an easy way to distinguish between “screensaver” programs (which are not always labeled as such) and static movies or animations.
And don't be surprised if the directory structure changes slightly from time to time—I plan to allow it to evolve and improve as necessary; it's not totally set in stone.
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12 January 2009, 07:58 GMT