Developers Wanted for Typhoon
Posted by Michael on 12 August 2008, 02:33 GMT
Sebastian Theiss is seeking programmers to take over his project, Typhoon. Typhoon was originally intended to transform the 83+ home screen into one more 89-like, supporting long integers, symbolic manipulation, pretty print of fractions, etc. It is incomplete (written in C & ASM), and Sebastian is seeking someone interested in picking it up where he left off. Interested programmers should e-mail him.
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Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
Matt M
Sounds like a neat idea - I hope someone can finish it!
If I knew either of those programming languages I might try but I don't know them and don't have time to learn them with all my classes...
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12 August 2008, 14:30 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
Looks great! I'll gladly help, but I'm still learning ASM so I don't think I could do anything now. But later on, why not?
You should propose this to Kerm Martian... (If he has enough time.)
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12 August 2008, 16:30 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
Nice idea! Great job. I would love to help, but I don't know C or asm.
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12 August 2008, 19:02 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
I might be willing to help if this is turned into a collaborative project. I do know some z80 asm though I do not know any C I have been planing on learning C or a C derived language for some time now.
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12 August 2008, 20:23 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
(Web Page)
Why doesn't he just put it up on Sourceforge. Then, it becomes a collaborative project.
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12 August 2008, 23:43 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
It should be great to see this project complete, but i guess that in order to help u must have a lot of knowledge in ASM, C, and developing CAS.....
If i had enough time i would be pleased to help.. but i guess that i had to study a lot the source to be able to help.
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13 August 2008, 03:44 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
(Web Page)
that's cool! I think it's a worthwhile endeavor... however, I would like to point out that a similar piece of software, known as ZoomMath has been released on I've downloaded, installed, and tried out their free version App4Math and the interface, although shockingly different at first, turned out to be quite intuitive. I highly recommend anyone continuing Sebastian Theiss' Typhoon try out the interface used in App4Math in the hopes of implementing something like it in Typhoon.
Oh, and btw, if anyone has any information regarding the security features of App4Math or ZoomAlgebra, that information would be appreciated. ;)
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13 August 2008, 04:11 GMT
Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
Sebastian, could you explain what is left to program? And what C compiler are you using? SDCC?
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13 August 2008, 21:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Developers Wanted for Typhoon
Sebastian Theiss
I used asm for the whole GUI (softkey menu, dialog boxes, etc.), the memory manager that uses the whole free memory of the calculator as a heap and provides the c-functions free and malloc, to wrap some of the OS functions, and for some basic routines that work with very long integers. I used C for the higher level stuff, as this is very annoying to code by hand and would make development even more time consuming): "pretty-printing" of equations, very long integer and rational number math, simplification, derivatives, etc.
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14 August 2008, 20:21 GMT
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