TI-Nspire Revealed
Posted by Michael on 10 March 2007, 23:08 GMT
TI has created a new website unveiling more details about the upcoming TI-Nspire graphing calculator. It comes in two versions, CAS and non-CAS. The non-CAS version apparently can have TI-84 Plus emulation. The highlights of the TI-Nspire are its interactive abilities (moving graphs, linking tables and graphs together, etc.).
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Re: TI-Nspire Revealed
(Web Page)
Interesting. Two models (and computer software) - this is certainly looks far better than the ClassPad 300. I only have two irritants: no pricing info yet? And it looks like the software is Windows-only. I thought it was going to be Win/Mac? Am I just remembering a fevered delusion?
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10 March 2007, 23:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-Nspire Revealed
Oh, I definitely want both, one for the CAS, and the other so that I will not need to carry around my 83 plus. For further proof, I already have a Ti-81, Ti-83, 4 Ti-83 pluses, 2 Ti-83 Plus silver Editions, Ti-85, Ti-86, Ti-89, and Ti-89 Titanium.
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11 March 2007, 03:23 GMT
Re: TI-Nspire Revealed
Bryan Hartley
(Web Page)
This is intriguing. However, I wonder how teachers will react to it, because it does offer saving features and more. Also, is there a detailed spec sheet?
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11 March 2007, 01:15 GMT
Re: TI-Nspire Revealed
Aaron Kornaus
(Web Page)
Very interesting... the 84+ snap-in keyboard is something else. I can't imagine any teachers actually getting a class set of these things to make its power useful. That thing must go for at least $250 each. Too bad it doesn't have a good "actual" video of a unit in use.
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11 March 2007, 03:49 GMT
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