ticalc.org Staff Members Meet for Tenth Anniversary
Posted by Nick on 17 July 2006, 21:50 GMT
Hello! I was the news editor of ticalc.org between 1998 (I think) and August 2000. Old people may remember me and, ahem, this.
I'm here to talk about the recent tenth anniversary that ticalc.org had. Beyond the news post, there were no celebrations on the site proper.
But we had something else in mind...

This picture is of eight ticalc.org staff members, myself included, who met in the Bay Area several weeks ago. Clockwise from top left: Joey Gannon, Andy Selle, Eric Sun, Nick Disabato, Magnus Hagander, Isaac Salpeter, Nathan Haines, Phil Genera.
We started organizing this many months ago - picking the metro area, figuring out where everybody was, briefly catching up. And it actually happened. I drove across the Bay Bridge in Andy Selle's car, eight of us ate a great dinner in Palo Alto - we even went to the Computer History Museum, and geeked out over some of the hardware.

I don't know what the other staff members think, but I personally never believed that this would happen. Prior to this, I had met only two staff members (Chris and Phil), and two other big TI people (Dan Koester, Adam Berlinksky-Schine), in person. I imagined that I would cross paths with some more of them, but only spottily - I'd run into [single person] in [city] and we'd have [meal] together. Nothing like this - nothing that would last an entire weekend.
And in retrospect, I'm still flatly astonished that it took place. We spent a lot of time talking about the future directions of ticalc.org in a really broad, Big Things sense. And we're all pretty excited at the plans we've set forth: some big features are going to be in the works that will update the site a bit more.
We are immensely grateful for the ten years you've spent visiting us, and we hope to provide many more of the same quality you've come to expect.
Update (Joey):

Keep an eye on the ticalc.org front page over the next few days, as we will soon be listing the autographed TI-82 pictured above on eBay. Don't miss out on your chance to own a piece of ticalc.org history! Also, check out the rest of nickd's photos from the event.
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Re: ticalc.org Staff Members Meet for Tenth Anniversary
Joey Gannon
(Web Page)
The reunion was absolutely one of the coolest things I have ever been to. How amazing to bring together such a great group of people. I feel very privileged to have been a part of it.
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17 July 2006, 21:59 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Staff Members Meet for Tenth Anniversary
Matthew Baron
Really cool guys! We will be looking out for that autographed 82 on ebay!
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17 July 2006, 22:27 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Staff Members Meet for Tenth Anniversary
James Montelongo
(Web Page)
OMG, it's Save by the Bell's Screech. Can we have the most nerdy poll?
Awesome guys, ya'll the ones that brang this whole thing together, Thanks!
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17 July 2006, 23:25 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Staff Members Meet for Tenth Anniversary
i want the calculator, but i don't have any money. Anyway, the ticalc staff must establish a ticalc mecca, where all ticalculator people can have a pilgrimage to a great building to have a jolly geek time and discuss calculators. I'm thinking the mecca could be in texas, where the texas instruments headquarters are which i have seen with my own waking eyes, which makes me awesome (at that time i was in a nongeek car, and we didn't get to stop there which made me mad.) May the integrals bless ticalc.org!!!!!!!
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18 July 2006, 02:37 GMT
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