The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
Posted by Michael on 12 July 2006, 04:47 GMT
Arthur O'Dwyer has recently updated his classic TI-83 BASIC programming optimization guide, The Complete TI-83 Basic Optimization Guide. Version 2 features a wealth of new information regarding all facets of BASIC optimization. After perusing through this latest version for this news article, I would highly recommend it to all serious BASIC programmers. It is certain to mention an optimization trick that you've never thought of.
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Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
Person Dude
Just in time. It may come in handy now...
I am writing a fishing game in BASIC (I only know BASIC).
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12 July 2006, 14:39 GMT
What's optimization???
Is that like which commands are faster, and which ones are better for different things? I'm know most of BASIC, and i'm learning C, but i've never heard of BASIC optimizatoin. Enlightenment would be appreciated.
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12 July 2006, 15:26 GMT
Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
(Web Page)
This is nice! Basic is a language that requires mess optimizations like this to make anything good. Until now, not many of them have been formally documented. Good work!
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12 July 2006, 16:15 GMT
Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
Finally updatement!
This news still doesn't apply to me! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
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12 July 2006, 17:49 GMT
Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
Matthew Baron
(Web Page)
I read this when it was first uploaded, and was very impressed with how thorough the guide was. Very good for anyone!
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12 July 2006, 19:06 GMT
Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
This is amazing! I had no idea that you could assign a string to a list! Thanks a lot!
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12 July 2006, 19:51 GMT

Re: Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
That's what I love about this guide. It's not just another guide that just tells you to remove end parentheses and quotation marks and tells you implied multiplication and all that old stuff. It really demonstrates great optimization techniques with many different data types. That string to list thing really helped me streamline my stat sprite code. You can do something like "augment(L1+A,L2+B->L5 and "augment(L3+C,L4+D->L6, do Plot1(Scatter,L5,L6,dot , and all you have to do next is update A,B,C,D and do any draw command. The guide is full of speed-optimization techniques like this.
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14 July 2006, 17:25 GMT
Re: The Complete BASIC Optimization Guide
Brian Lott
there is still hope hor peopel who want to write efficiently. I am getting tired of people writing bloatware. Thank you for writing this!
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12 July 2006, 21:27 GMT
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