MulTI 0.1 Released
Posted by Michael on 22 June 2006, 15:28 GMT
Nick Tarleton has released MulTI 0.1alpha for the TI-89. MulTI is a "dynamic-translating emulator" for the 83+, which means that it is able to run certain 83+ assembly programs (such as Falldown) at full speed on a TI-89. It does this by dynamically translating Z80 assembly instructions into 68k as they are encountered. MulTI is still in a stage of early development, but it looks like it will become a great way to run 83+ games on your 89.
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Re: Re: Re: MulTI 0.1 Released
Joey Gannon
(Web Page)
Marketing is important to keep in mind, too. TI tells middle school and high school teachers that their students need TI-83's, and that information gets passed along to the students, who then buy the calculators. When they get into upper-level high school and college classes, they find out that the 89 does more of what they need, so they buy one of those, too.
(Also, it's fair to point out that the 89 really isn't suited for a lot of people. When I started out with graphing calculators, in 7th grade, I found the 83 to be a bit intimidating. The 89 is just way too much for a lot of people.)
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26 June 2006, 23:27 GMT
Re: MulTI 0.1 Released
(Web Page)
Wow...this looks like it will become awesome. Now I can play the cool games the Ti-83+ has.
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22 June 2006, 15:55 GMT
Re: MulTI 0.1 Released
Jim Bauwens
Sad that it doesn't work on a ti 92+ :(
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22 June 2006, 16:13 GMT
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