How much is that DAWG in the window? Free!
Posted by Michael on 11 April 2006, 00:29 GMT
Kirk Meyer has made his flash application DAWG now freely available. Previously this application was sold on the TI Online Store for $7. DAWG is a spell checker for the TI-83 Plus series. It contains a database of over 40,000 words, including my personal favorite, platypusary. In addition to simply checking the spelling of American English words, it can find anagrams and assist in the solving of crossword puzzles.
Update: It should be mentioned that TI flash applications are now free as well, including ones that were previously $7 on their online store.
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Re: How much is that DAWG in the window? Free!
Greg M
Thanks for the kind gesture Kirk!
I've been kicking myself ever since I lost that version I downloaded when it was free before... (lost due to HD reformat; only had an 83+ at the time, so it only got loaded whenever I needed it, as 96kb is a rather large memory demand)
And, about a month ago, I was wondering what to do about it, especially since it had magically disappeared from the online store...
I simply assumed it had gone the way of all the other pay for apps...But this is exciting!
Thanks. :)
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11 April 2006, 01:57 GMT
Re: How much is that DAWG in the window? Free!
(Web Page)
Dang it!! I HATE Murphy's Law! I paid for that thing and now its free!! I oughta request a refund from kirk.
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11 April 2006, 02:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much is that DAWG in the window? Free!
(Web Page)
Yeah, I've had problems with Norton too. I hate the dumbed-down interface - if you disable it, and check the control panel, it shows that the system is in 'critical condition', and tells you to click a certain link to fix the problem (which reactivates it, of course).
McAfee does that same kind of stuff, though, and it really slows down your system and makes it unstable (at least for the older versions, I'm not sure about the newest ones). I've heard AVG is the best...
But back on topic, this seems like the Windows Vista of TI calcs. They announce a new calc with tons of new features and that's just way more advanced in general, and then say it's not going to be released for a while while they finish it.
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13 April 2006, 21:21 GMT
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