Hark! Yonder I Hear an 84+!
Posted by Michael on 20 March 2006, 04:31 GMT
James Montelongo has been working on better-quality sound for the 83+ SE and 84+ series. Real Sound v1.0 is light years ahead of all existing sound players for TI calculators. Users can convert WAV files into flash applications that play the sound clip. Sample rates up to 32 kHz are achievable on the calculator. James has produced a demonstration video. The results are amazing; the song being played is terrible (No flames please :-).
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Re: Hark! Yonder I Hear an 84+!
James Montelongo
(Web Page)
sorry, my sister downloaded those songs, so I have nothing else to convert. To be honest I prefer the theme to zelda. :)
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20 March 2006, 04:46 GMT
Re: Hark! Yonder I Hear an 84+!
(Web Page)
Wow, the sound quality on that is great! However, the higher quality of the sounds people start using in their programs, the more space it will consume. I wouldn't recommend using your calculator as a (rather bulky) iPod, but the notion of playing actual sound on your calculator is very cool nonetheless.
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20 March 2006, 05:09 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 68k?
James Montelongo
(Web Page)
Bout 84%~68% cpu time is consumed by modulating the link port. And 16%-32% is used to actually read from the memmory. These figures are affected by the sample rate. However all I really need to do is make sure that I have a suficient number of clocks cycles per sample to flip the link port on then off with 256 degrees of accuracy. So at 15mhz playing 32khz audio I have 468 clocks available. 200 of those are used to read from memmory, adjust the pointer, handle keypress, and execute proper modulation code. So this leaves 268 clocks to modulate the link port, This is the standard turn link on, wait, turn link off, wait, play next byte. This is called Pulse-width modulation(see link), its the same method used in pretty much all gray scale attempts.
This would be impossible for in game use. But there is technically time for compression. Especially if its something as quick as RLE, in which I end up having time to spare. With my test on RLE I was a able to compress the audio up 75% by applying thereshold to compressing code. The sound was fine, but I killed sychning so that caused static. I left it off because I did not want this project to end up on the shelf of no return.
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21 March 2006, 21:39 GMT
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