Have a Ball with Megaball
Posted by Michael on 7 January 2006, 20:50 GMT
Richard de Bruijn has released Megaball for the 83 and 83+. Inspired by the original Atari game, Megaball is very similar to breakout but has a few fun extra features. As one of our file archivers said, "But how can you not like breakout where your paddle can shoot at the bricks?" There are twenty different levels/boards in this ION-compatible game.
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Re: Have a Ball with Megaball
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
I am sure that he worked hard on this, and put a lot of effort into this, but as far as breakout clones go, there are better ones. Breakout and Orzunoid come to mind. But hell, maybe it is _supposed_ to look like that.
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8 January 2006, 12:38 GMT
Re: Have a Ball with Megaball
(Web Page)
It's not an amazing game and I don't like the titlescreen (:D).
I think its not coded badly, but are all breakout games featured? No. Why this one?
Keep up the work!
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8 January 2006, 13:57 GMT
Re: Have a Ball with Megaball
I was just going to write a good review for this game when I saw it featured. I don't get why all you other old goats are making this game look bad, because it is awesome! Great graphics and GUI. I especially like the title screen, it is so cool. The only problems are the speed, and I wish it had a teacher key like breakout. This game is equal to breakout, and superior to it in many aspects. It's the first great game of 2006. Maybe everyone else is just afraid to see Joe's Breakout possibly be surpassed...
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8 January 2006, 15:58 GMT

Re: Re: Have a Ball with Megaball
Indeed, this game is quite good. The graphics are great, although the shape of the paddle puzzled me for a while. I'm not familiar with the Amiga game which inspired this game, maybe that's why.
In any case, I agree that speed is an issue, especially when you have lasers and brickthrough together.
I've also found that there's one board (#9,I think) where the ball can get "stuck" bouncing from side to side against the indestructable blocks. Since it touches the paddle on each side, the indestructable blocks won't disappear, and there is nothing you can do except loose that paddle.
But, great job Richard!!
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9 January 2006, 15:56 GMT
TICALC Copyright
Rodney Blythe
(Web Page)
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the copyright information at the bottom of many pages is wrong. This is a distinctive legal loop hole that should be addressed. Most pages say "Copyright 1996-2005"; however, some are even as old as to say "Copyright 1996-2004." (Take a look at the bottom of any page on ticalc.org, you'll see what I mean) As a fellow web programmer by trade, I know that this is often time consuming to update, but it is crucial.
-Rodney Blythe
VP Innovation
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11 January 2006, 01:52 GMT

Travis Supalla
(Web Page)
Richard, first off man I think you did a bang up job. Graphics wise, I think this is fairly top notch, the menu is damn good and the bonuses and other animations arent bad either.
The only major problem I had was ball physics, normally (ie reality) when the ball hits the left side of the paddel coming down from the left side it should bounce back to the left and up, everytime in MegaBall, the ball would bounce right and up when it was coming from the left and hit the left side of the paddel. Which wasn't good, especially when I had one block left to get and I would position my paddel to bounce the ball back in theory right towards the block, but to my surprise it would go the complete opposite.
Also that #9 board did get me urked... :P
I would also like to see the ball as more of well, a ball:
I have no idea on the sprite sizes, but that is just something I would like to see... :)
All in all this is a great breakout game, with a few fixes and maybe a board editor, this would surely be one of the best breakout games for the 83s. If you havent downloaded this game, it certainly deserves a look. Great job Richard!
-Travis Supalla (Madskillz)
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12 January 2006, 04:03 GMT