United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
Posted by Michael on 22 August 2005, 05:57 GMT
United-TI is following up its successful ASM programming contest with a BASIC one. The category for entries is "strategy type game" with a prize of a new 256 MB USB 2.0 flash drive. On September 1, details of the official rules will be posted. Currently they are accepting registrations for the contest.
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Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
Nikky Southerland
(Web Page)
I guess their form on the UTI site to send you an email until it was a news article worked after all. Perhaps more people will enter this contest when compared to ASM. I expect so, since more people know BASIC>
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22 August 2005, 06:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
i think a lot of people don't realize the true potential of basic. if you think about it, basic has some commands that asm doesn't, such as if, and, or, etc. i guess you can have if statements in asm using
ld a,((var))
cp (number)
call z,label
but still no 'or', or 'and' statements. basic can also perform math operations. (asm can, but it's a pain)
I think there should be a contest for basic programs using asm (programs or libraries) I ussually do some programming in asm, then run the subprogram in the main basic program, since i know basic flunetly and know just a little asm.
basic really does have good potential. there are ways to produce fast basic, such as only using while or repeat statements instead of if's. Basic is majorly under rated. i think if people realized that, basic games (and misc. programs) will be better. Also, on 89's and higher, basic runs faster than on the 83/83+series calcs (which are the most poular)
I really think that basic is a great language, with its simplicity AND its flexibilty. So go program in basic, and make it fast...if you know what i mean
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22 March 2006, 02:00 GMT
Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
(Web Page)
Based on the sign-up form, it seems like this contest is US-only. Us Canucks are left on the outside :'(
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23 August 2005, 02:12 GMT
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