Jack Kilby, TI Pioneer, Dies at Age 81
Posted by Michael on 21 June 2005, 23:49 GMT
Yesterday Jack St. Claire Kilby, inventor of the integrated circuit, died at the age of 81. He was a longtime TI engineer who also co-invented the handheld electronic calculator. TI has a press release and a biography available. Mr. Kilby was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on the integrated circuit. Without him, graphing calculators (and all computers) would not exist. His work will live on forever throughout the entire world in microwaves, cars, clocks, pacemakers, and everything electronic.
Yahoo has additional information.
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Re: Jack Kilby, TI Pioneer, Dies at Age 81
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Wow. I did not realize that the man was that old. He made a great contribution and he will be missed.
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22 June 2005, 23:51 GMT
Re: Jack Kilby, TI Pioneer, Dies at Age 81
It is a shame that we honor great men only when they pass away.
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23 June 2005, 00:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Jack Kilby, TI Pioneer, Dies at Age 81
one way or another, his medals ammount to paper and pen, as does his name since most of us have never had the good fortune to meet this guy in person. what matters is that we all know that someone invented that chip, and without him, we'd have no real lives right about now, and i think he was (or should have been) very proud of having that.
and whatever negative aspects of computers can be brought up (big brother), these have not become truly dangerous (yet, but they probably never will since human rights groups would kill anyone who tried something like that, as well as the creator of microchips since he wouldnt want his creation to be evil like Adam, Eve, and Cain), and they are relatively small compared to the advantages. in the near future, we'll see cyberkinetic VR (they have already made a cyberkinetic replacement hand!), and even right now, i cant even think of what i'd be doing for entertainment if it werent for videogaming, calcs, etc. watching b&w movies? i don't really think so; i've never really watched any TV except at the dinner table where i have little better to since i cant bring my calc...
bottom line: this guy's name is unimportant since we dont really know him. what is important is that we know that someone out there gave us our lives as they are today, and that whoever he is, he should be very proud of what he did. hmm... mabye we should start a religion worshiping the god of microchips who ascended into heaven today, with all his admirers soon to follow... :) (that was only partly a joke LOL!)
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23 June 2005, 05:13 GMT
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