Solar Powered Cleaning Robot
Posted by Michael on 26 March 2005, 18:12 GMT
A group of Belgium students participating in a solar robotics competition have built a cleaning robot based upon a TI-83 Plus. There's a picture and also a zip file containing a link to a video that shows the robot in action. As of yet, the group does not have a website for the robot but is reported to be working on one.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Solar Powered Cleaning Robot
(Web Page)
Geez, noobs :D
First, you can actually *skip* through the video, but as I said, it has been replaced by this week's news, so there's no point in doing that.
Second, as everybody knows you can't post long urls on, so I cut the links in pieces. You have to paste the second line of the link after the first line in your browser... Do you need me to explain how to start IE too? :p
Yes, the calculator is solar powered as well. I don't know about the servos, but if you really want to know you can e-mail me, and I'll ask the Belgian team.
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26 March 2005, 22:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solar Powered Cleaning Robot
Here's some stuff on that RCX thingy I mentioned earlier. I still have the Lego Mindstorms kit, after buying v 1.0 when it first came out. I'm thinking of ebay for v 2.0. ;)
The Lego Rcx has an infared "linking port" that can be used to give detailed info on the state of variables during execution, sensor values, etc, a NQC language that's more powerful than C and as simple as basic, 3 motor ports and 3 sensor ports (actually, there is a way to expand the number of sensor ports), as well as a 9-12 volt (AC or DC, in either case polarity makes no difference!) power jack.
There are types of sensors: touch, light, temperature, and rotation. Home brew sensors can also be safely used since the robot is designed to handle such circumstances as short circuits and power overloads (but don't stick 120 V on the sensor port, use good sense!)
More info on the NQC language at:
Download the best IDE (rcxccext) here:
Note: the links above have been separated. you will need to paste them into your browser separately.
I recommend using the rcxccext instaler for the ide, and not brixcc or the standard installer (rcxcc). Rcxccext has an table with all the sensor, motor, timer, etc. commands for quick and easy reference. Also, there is a dialog box (F12 to toggle) where you can click the various C commands and they get pasted into the code. Plus, there is plenty of sample code and help stuff.
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29 March 2005, 17:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solar Powered Cleaning Robot
1) I know nothing about BrickOS, I personally think RCXccext is more than enough, so I have never bothered with anything else.
2) The RCX has a graphical language. Atmittedly, it's a powerless language, but it'd probably be good enough.
3) The microprocessor in this kind of robot is irrelavent, since there's not really much processing to be done. Here's the logic of how I would do an RCX program for this:
--Send IR message, and if the light sensor picks up a high fluxuation (the robot is close to something).
--If the robot is close to something (like a wall usually), then rotate 20 degrees. (actually, in terms of the real code, this would be tuning on the drive motors in opposite directions for a few tenths of a second)
--If the robot is not close to something, move foward and run the vacuum.
--For this, a magnifying glass should focus an image on two ligt sensors, and the light sensors should rotate. The center of the image will be on one light sensor, and another part of the image on another lightsensor. As the sensors rotate, the robot knows their position, and if the outer light sensor detects strong light that the center light sensor does not, then the solar panel moves in the direction of the outer light sensor until the strong light source is on the center light source. This is probably going to be a programing challenge since the robot itself is constantly moving... mabye the robot could be programed to adjust the solar panel only during foward motion... this would be easier and more efficient.
--Repeat these instructions. (until the run button on the robot is pressed)
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29 March 2005, 18:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solar Powered Cleaning Robot
(Web Page)
1. NQC, "Not Quite C," has little resemblence of the C language. The only similarities include functions (more like routines than functions), braces, and semi-colons. Everything else (the keywords (aside from "int"), pointers, arrays, structures, enumerations, etc.) that is far more important is missing, which severely limits the capacity of the NQC language.
2. Actually, programs written in C or assembly for the RCX require less space, less lines of code (at least for C), and execute faster. Even simple programs are worth writing in C, simply because the executable created from the C source is far more efficient than the byte-code created from the graphical language.
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1 April 2005, 23:36 GMT
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