Assembly Arrives to the TI-73
Posted by Magnus on 16 March 2005, 21:04 GMT
Michael Vincent has released Mallard,
the first assembly shell for the TI-73. Until now, the 73 was limited to
only BASIC and flash applications. Mallard v0.1 requires
a TI-73 or TI-73 Explorer running OS 1.60. It is installed via a hacked
backup file, similar to the great 85 ZShell. Because TI
Connect does not properly handle 73 backup files, TiLP is required for
installation. Mallard is currently an experimental beta version; it may
still be unstable.
We have also added 73 ASM folders to
our archives.
Update: Mallard v0.2 has been released.
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Re: Assembly Arrives to the TI-73
(Web Page)
As you can see, other authors have already picked up the rifle and are shooting for Mallard... Awesome job Michael. If anybody wants an Ion or MirageOS game ported just email me... Also, I'll soon be buying a TI-73 now that it's a bit more useful for coding :-) Currently, Mallard doesn't seem to work on the new VTI or the debugger: for me code testing is limited to making a 73 app version work and hoping it's compatible... Zelda soon to come :-D
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17 March 2005, 01:20 GMT
"similar to the great 85 ZShell"?
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
I'd rather compare it to the TI-82 shells. According to the description, it is based on the same principle. ZShell used a custom menu hack, but the TI-82 and TI-73 don't have a custom menu. So what the TI-82 shells did, and what Mallard now does, is to use a hacked matrix instead.
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17 March 2005, 01:43 GMT
Re: Assembly Arrives to the TI-73
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
This is what I'm talking about. For so long, there has been no innovation and hacking because it has all been done. This kind of advancment is what this community is all about, and I am glad to see that there are places where it can still happen.
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17 March 2005, 04:14 GMT
Re: Assembly Arrives to the TI-73
(Web Page)
What's the clause in the file about "saving your precious RAM?" The TI-73's got more RAM than the 83+/84+ series! I use Ion in my RAM on my 83+, and I've got potloads to spare.
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18 March 2005, 23:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Assembly Arrives to the TI-73
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Well, you don't need a VAT or OS support, you only need to get the OS to leave your variables in peace when sending/removing Flash Applications, and then have Mallard (for ASM programs, or some external archiver/unarchiver tool for anything else) find the files by scanning the archive. The TI-83+ OS doesn't have that good support for archived files either, does it? AFAIK (correct me if I'm wrong, you know these calculators way better than me), you can't do anything other than archiving, unarchiving, or running through an assembly shell anyway. That can all be done without any OS support at all.
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30 March 2005, 23:46 GMT
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