January/February 2005 Newsletter
Posted by Michael on 28 February 2005, 03:51 GMT
Our esteemed newsletter editor Jonathan Katz has published the latest edition of the ticalc.org newsletter. You can find the January/February 2005 issue in our newsletter section or, if you're one of the cool people, in your inbox. If you find that for some inexplicable and inexcusable reason you have not yet subscribed, you can find instructions on our mailing lists page.
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The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: January/February 2005 Newsletter
Andree Chea
Heh, I knew it was going to arrive at the end of February... better late than never :-)
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28 February 2005, 04:05 GMT
Re: January/February 2005 Newsletter
Andree Chea
Hey Michael, will you be providing the "humor" from here on out? It's not that I don't like them, but I've noticed that you've been the only one providing our "nerdy calculator jokes" since Jonathan picked up the newsletter :-D
Long live ticalc.org!
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28 February 2005, 04:51 GMT
Re: January/February 2005 Newsletter
Paul Houser
(Web Page)
Nice job guys. I downloaded this gem into my inbox after a particularly crappy day. Thanks.
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28 February 2005, 05:05 GMT
Re: January/February 2005 Newsletter
bi-monthly doesn't mean what you think it does...
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28 February 2005, 12:36 GMT
Re: January/February 2005 Newsletter
(Web Page)
I wish you guys had bi-WEEKLY newsletters...
I just can't get enough.
Btw, when do you think that there will simply cease to be any (game) programmers for TI calcs?
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28 February 2005, 20:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: January/February 2005 Newsletter
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
Haha, that is very true. It's not that there aren't as many good, dedicated programmers, its that there are less proportionally. Since you guys put out tigcc there has been an influx in programmers, but i think the number of truly dedicated ones hasnt changed too much. Certainly though it would be nice if more big projects got completed. That's the problem, that so many programmers will learn so that they can make their dream game, like someone who decides they want to port crash bandicoot or something, so they learn a little and then get started. Unfortunately they discover its not so easy as they thought, and then they get discouraged. It's those programmers like Jf who start with smaller things and start working their way up, and eventually they can tackle their "big" project. At least that's the way I see it. I should talk, seeing as how I made that mistake a year ago when I tried to make a real Super Metroid clone. Of course I'm now making up for that, since I actually know what I'm doing now and have a nice engine running.
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1 March 2005, 06:09 GMT
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