George Limpert Asks: Is it Time to Replace TI-BASIC?
Posted by Michael on 21 February 2005, 04:20 GMT
George Limpert has rescued the Articles section from its long drought with the publication of his commentary on the state of the TI-BASIC programming language. In a lengthy article, he discusses some of the limitations of BASIC and his proposed design choices that would fix current issues in a hypothetical replacement language.
Since it has been nearly six years since the last article discussion began, please remember to post your pithy insights on George's article, not this news item. If any member of the TI Community has a well-written article that they would like to submit, you can e-mail There are no guarantees it will be accepted, of course (i.e. please don't send mindless drivel about how all teachers are evil for clearing calculator RAM).
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Re: George Limpert Asks: Is it Time to Replace TI-BASIC?
(Web Page)
You can easily do trees in TI-Basic, just use array indices instead of pointers, and make your own "new" and "delete" operators.
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21 February 2005, 05:00 GMT
Re: George Limpert Asks: Is it Time to Replace TI-BASIC?
Lewk Of Serthic
(Web Page)
"hypothetical replacement language"
hmm. Competeing with the conveinace of TI-BASIC. That could be hard.
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21 February 2005, 05:09 GMT
Any thoughts on making the on calc language C? or a variation of it? It would allow programmers much more freedom with programming.
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21 February 2005, 12:28 GMT
Re: George Limpert Asks: Is it Time to Replace TI-BASIC?
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
And what about TIGCC (see "Web Page" link above)? If you think TI-BASIC and assembly both suck, then you should be using C.
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21 February 2005, 14:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Limpert Asks: Is it Time to Replace TI-BASIC?
(Web Page)
benryves>>Microsoft's C++ compiler from VS.NET is free and works very nicely on XP.
... for .net ... are you saying that C++ with 'managed extensions' is a decent language. When I'm stuck with the .net framework, I use C# wich is much more cleaner.
I don't think that there is any performance gain to use any .Net language instead of another. Any of these products output the same intermediary code (similar to the java's bytecode) that require a huge runtime envirnment to execute (as java). I have a project where my C# class library is used by a VB user interface the same way that a (or or, ...) class library.
C# is not an involution of VB or the other way around (even if C# is the new MS' flagship). As java, C# is inspired from C++ (the syntax is similar), that's all.
benryves>> There's nothing wrong with idiot-proofing something, providing you have the same level of functionality.
I agree. In fact, it is a good programming practice. Moreover, for commercial software, it should be mandatory. However, for system programming, a HLL that induce a small overhead (as a good C compiler) is better than a saffer language.
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24 February 2005, 16:05 GMT
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