Two Years Later
Posted by Joey on 3 February 2005, 04:28 GMT
Two years ago today, a news article similar to this one was posted here, searching for file archivers. I was one of the two people selected, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working on this site. Processing the immense queue of 1378 files with my co-worker in a mere seven days is still one of my favorite accomplishments. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time any more to keep up with the demands of the job. I spend 30 hours a week working with a FIRST robotics team, in addition to actually showing up to high school. Once I'm done with all of that, I'm off to Carnegie Mellon University in the fall. You all probably don't care about my life, but the point is that this serves my official announcement of retirement from file archiving. Why is this good news for you? We need some new staff members, and you could be the person we're looking for.
The main thing required here is time. On a regular day, we get an average 12-13 files submitted. On a busy day, we get 50.
Experience with multiple calculators is a big advantage; we try not to put a preference on any calculator model or platform. Owning a lot of calculators is not required, but having some general experience is a plus.
Also, Jon is looking for another staff member to assist with editing reviews. Since the main work contains lots of editing and writing text, you need to be reasonably fluent in the English language.
For both positions, we're looking for a long term commitment, as well as a high availability. You all know what our users think when there are weeks without updates. If you can do it 8 hours / day now, but expect not to be able to keep that up for more than a couple of months, this is not what we want. Expect it to be quite time-consuming, but certainly rewarding. Finally, if you can increase the staff's demographical diversity, that's a plus. but not a requirement. We encourage people, both male and female, from all countries to apply.
If you're interested, contact us at Please include the following information:
- Full name
- Email address
- If you have MSN or AIM or similar as means for us to contact you
- Position you're interested in (you will be trained for both, but primarily doing only one)
- Age
- Current level of education (finished or unfinished)
- Where you live (town/state/country)
- Approximate amount of time you think you can put into this per week
- Which calculators you have experience with or access to
- A quick motivation on why we should pick you
Also, from experience of last time: This is not a paid job.
We will accept applications up to and including February 15th. I'll still be keeping up with the pending queue as best I can until we've found our new staff members. Once my FA duty is done, don't expect me to disappear. I'll still be working behind the scenes, doing site maintenance and peering over the new staffers' shoulders. ;-)
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Re: Two Years Later
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Yeah, I really do not think I am going to apply. Two years of not getting accepted probably means Three years of not getting accepted.
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3 February 2005, 10:52 GMT
Re: Two Years Later
Peter Wakefield
I'm guessing that it would be quite advantageous to have a broadband connection for working on something like this... I don't think I will give this much thought as I am quite certain that I shall be stuck on a dial-up connection for months, probably years, into the future.
I also have very little experience with much other than calculators. Although this could be a very good chance to learn some new things, I think someone with more general knowledge about the workings of websites and the like should take the position.
Although I would enjoy being a member of, (Who wouldn't?) I think I should just hope that the selected person has good luck in their new position.
Good luck to all those who feel they have what it takes to be a staff member, and have fun. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose life revolves around calculators, and therefore, this site. :-)
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3 February 2005, 11:51 GMT
Re: Two Years Later
(Web Page)
Well, just turned in my application. Let's hope, and good luk to all who apply. I'm sorry to see Joey go, his time here was very productive.
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3 February 2005, 14:07 GMT
Re: Two Years Later
Spencer Dubya
(Web Page)
This would be a dream job for me, but I think there is a ubiquitous hatred toward me in the community, so I'm not going to apply. :(
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3 February 2005, 15:09 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Two Years Later
Spencer Dubya
(Web Page)
no, it was a flame. there is no constructive message about it.
you are equating the programming group "Outdone TI" with me. remember, I am only a member, making programs and hosting it. yes, I am a bot egotistical, but that is not representative of the group.
so, unless you come up with a reasonable explanation of why "the group" is egotistical, your somment will just be regarded as a jealous flame.
something that everyone else that makes a similar comment about should know is that I'm not that bad of a guy. sure, sometimes I can be a bit annoying or egotistical, but most everyone I talked to on IRC privately after the beginning of last month thinks that I'm not as bad as everyone says.
that's it. rant over.
I'm sorry.
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5 February 2005, 19:18 GMT
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