TechniCalc Website Opens
Posted by Michael on 1 September 2004, 14:49 GMT
A number of TI community members have combined their webpages and launched Ray Kremer's TI Graphing Calculator FAQ is one of the several webpages included in this central resource for TI calculator owners. You will also find the TI Tip List for 68k calcs as well as information and useful utilities for 68k calculators from several other authors.
Let's also not forget that in addition to the TI Graphing Calculator FAQ, your manual is an excellent source of information. Read it.
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Re: TechniCalc Website Opens
>>There are no comments on this article yet. Why don't you add one?
OK, I'll add one.
The website looks like a more technically-oriented 1996-vintage, like a mix of and TICT. I hope it's helpful to people learning to use their calculators without having to sift through comments by experienced posters on the same boards. The site looks well-organized, at least initially. Let's see how it functions over time with the community and staff.
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1 September 2004, 15:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: TechniCalc Website Opens
>>Forums are supposed to be the place to goto last if you want to learn stuff, not first. Thats what FAQ's are for.
Yes, I agree. However, for example, I am currently trying to make a program to display the MODE dialog, which is in the archives but will not run on VTI. The calculator manual isn't going to say anything, the SDK guide doesn't say anything, tiams.h only gives a _rom_call related to it in some way, and the tigcc help only goes as far as it can. This is a problem that cannot be solved by reading a manual. I'm not trying to get help here, obviously, because this isn't the correct forum, but I think you see what I mean. I define this as part of 'learning touse your calculator.'
Reply to this comment
1 September 2004, 18:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
True enough, but there are two problems with that.
One, the teachers won't let TI change the interface, button layout, or menu layout, because they don't want to have to relearn anything. Most of the students only learn how do to things because the teachers and textbooks give button-by-button examples.
Two, there's no such thing as an OS or interface that's so simple that anybody can use it without instruction. The old saying is, after all, "Those who try to build idiot-proof systems always underestimate the persistence and ingenuity of idiots." I think part of the problem there is that lots of people are just skittish around computers and electronics and believe from the start that they won't be able to understand any of it, and therefore don't even try.
I guess there's a third thing I've observed too, which is that some people's problems in using the calculator stems from the fact that they don't understand the underlying mathematics of what they are trying to do. There's a general attitude out there with a lot of people that the calculator is magic and will do any homework problem, all you have to do is copy the problem from the page into the calculator and it will deliver an answer.
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1 September 2004, 20:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TechniCalc Website Opens
(Web Page)
The biggest UI task is to allow the user to use the device without worrying about whether you will break the device. It goes from milk jugs (skinny/thick handles) to typing (computers, where corrections are possible, vs. typewriters, where one mistake means starting over). The only barrier, if you know the math (or at least if you can read the problem) to using a basically idiot-proof program like Graphical Unit Circle [link] is confidence. If you accept that it is idiot-proof, reversible, and that whatever you do will not break, harm, or ruin anything, you can use it without instruction and with confidence to its full power. However, the UI has to make a user confident, and a command line doesn't do that. Seriously, try Graphical Unit Circle as an example. It accepts blank inputs, [ESC], letters (as symbolic for compatibility reasons), and, I think, almost anything you could throw at it. However, a good UI also needs to include everything and not allow the TIOS to interfere to build confidence on the part of the user.
I really think that everything else falls into place after you have confidence in a device.
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1 September 2004, 22:22 GMT
Re: Re (7): TechniCalc Website Opens
It's the device's job to be user friendly, and part of being user-friendly is that the device doesn't scare off the user. What is appropriate for industrial applications (UNIX & Co. command line OSs) is usually counterproductive in the consumer market. For example, grandmothers don't usually respond well to
You can't expect them to. Only a programmer understands that (and many programmers won't). As you say, to understand it, you need to speak the device's language. However, once that error is thrown, our grandma-a nonspeaker-thinks (these are all examples I've come across):
1) Somehow, it's my fault, so I shouldn't put my hands on it because I don't understand it.
2) I don't know this. I'm inadequate. Woe is me.
3) Computers are bad.
4) Whoever told the computer to do this right now is young enough to be my grandkid. They're doing this to rebel against my authority.
5) I give up.
The point is to eliminate the language that only the computer only speaks. Our function should be to turn unintelligible gibberish into something usable, and something like the error above, while sounding user-friendly to a person who is used to seeing things like F38FNV9AER, actually drives people from computers and promotes the most dangerous thing in society today, antiscience. It doesn't need to read the user's mind. It simply needs to stop using jargon, commands, and code.
Reply to this comment
2 September 2004, 00:51 GMT

Re (19): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
You did make that point, and I agree with it. My point, however, is that your point is irrelevant because the toaster oven does one or a small number of tasks, and is thus inherently simple, while the computer does a large number of dissimilar tasks, and is thus inherently complex. Any complex task, even those predating electricity, is a paradigm shift for those who are completely unfamiliar with it. Yet only now, with computers, is the task expected to adapt to the person who is unwilling to learn new things. I find that to be an unreasonable expectation made by lazy people.
Reply to this comment
10 September 2004, 21:53 GMT

Re: Re (19): TechniCalc Website Opens
Users aren't lazy. They have jobs to do, and simply don't have time to learn to use a complex piece of equipment, especially if the person selling them the complex piece of equipment says that it will interface smoothly with their jobs. They then turn it on, expecting it to smoothly interface with their jobs, and it displays a string of numbers, introducing them to new vocabulary, and expecting them to know how to use the device without telling them how, step-by-step in each task, when and if the user gets lost.
Let's say that this person is a teacher. They want their internet, their word processor, and their grading program. They don't want a taskbar, a desktop, a few icons, a bunch of switches, boards, sockets, cards, software, installers, or any of the other buzzwords and jargon floating around. Computers have to come to them. They have enough on their hands as it is and will not change what they do unless the new way is better.
My comparison of the VTI V200 with the card catalog fits here, as well. They told me that they needed to digitize their card catalog. So, I copied the interface of the card catalog into a program, asked them whether they liked it. Eventually they approved it, after which I began writing the program.
This does apply to mass-market software. If this was mass-market, the result would have been more copies of the same user-oriented and familiar interface.
Reply to this comment
12 September 2004, 16:54 GMT

Re (21): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
Never before in the past has someone wanting to do something new been able to do so without first learning how to do it. I don't expect that to change.
Just because you say there can be a computer that people don't have to learn doesn't make it so, anymore than if it were 1930 and you were talking about a car you didn't have to learn how to drive, or if it were 1800 and you talking about a horse you didn't have to learn how to ride.
Your card catalog comparison only fits half the argument. Yes, you can make a computerized card catalog that works like the paper version. What if, five years from now, a grade school student using the library for the first time accuses you of making the computerized card catalog system confusing and impossible to use? Now, the blame would be misplaced. It has nothing to do with you, it's really the card catalog system, the one you were emulating when you designed the system, that is confusing the student. But he doesn't know that. To him, you are the one who has made his life difficult. Why doesn't the computer just look up the book I want, he will ask. I shouldn't have to deal with search term boxes or Dewy Decimals, he'll say. All this even though the computerized system is actually far simpler and more convenient to use than the paper version it replaced.
Reply to this comment
15 September 2004, 15:50 GMT

Re: Re (27): TechniCalc Website Opens
For people whose job is IT, then their job is IT. However, most people have a job outside of that and they shouldn't be forced to learn a whole new profession to do what they already do. It is also, in a professional context, usually not possible to simply not use a computer. For example, the Chicago Public Schools has almost entirely signed on to the use of a real-time grade reporting system called MTG/EDLINE. Unfortunately, the system is unusable. Teachers-and also lower-level administration-have no option to not use it, so they have to modify their reporting systems to meet this program. It is ridiculous, obviously, but everyone has to use it. My problem is with the structure of the program. As a programmer, I know that it could have been written much better (I've seen it, BTW-they use custom Open and Save dialogs to show how 'good' they are at programming but they don't program the system with the user in mind).
As for your second statement, I just keep saying that the calculator should be designed around the user so that they don't have to actively learn to use it. It's not easy-which is why it's called software engineering-but it can be done.
Reply to this comment
30 September 2004, 23:21 GMT

Re: Re (11): TechniCalc Website Opens
People are not in love with technology for technology's sake. I know, as a person interested in computers, it is hard to come to terms with. However, people need computers to get something done, and are completely uninterested in how it gets done. They want as little interference by the computer as possible, and, as surprising as it seems, are unwilling to read manuals. They have enough to worry about (i.e., their jobs) without having to figure out how to use industrial process equipment, which is the general perception, even today, of computers.
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5 September 2004, 17:29 GMT
Re: Re (13): TechniCalc Website Opens
>>The kids today need to just stop whining.
Unfortunately, they're the market. Successful enterprises (at anything-sales, info, etc.) don't say "Hey, Customer! You're dumb!"
The reason people learn something is motivation. Motivation cannot be drilled into people. It is an internal value, and nobody on the outside can change that. You can only attempt to make your product something that a person wants to learn to use. You don't do that by saying "Hey, Customer! You're dumb!" or worse, "Learn this or else!" but by relating it to what they're doing. To use your example,
>>Why should I care what the proper command syntax is when I just want to do my calculus homework?
You shouldn't. It should be a prompt. What does nInt(expression,var,low,up) have to do with calculus? Nothing. It is a computer command. The computer should provide a framework in which the user can get a result they can understand. It doesn't need to pander. It just needs to "speak math" to peoople using a cacluating program, to "speak publishing" to a person using a DTP app, etc.
Reply to this comment
7 September 2004, 06:15 GMT

Re: Re (13): TechniCalc Website Opens
>>And why should I care about the difference between the gas pedal and the brake pedal, or which road goes in which direction, when I just want my car to take me to the mall?
What do the brake and gas pedals have to do with getting to the mall? Nothing, by themselves. However, they speak your language. Press on one, it goes. Press on the other, it stops. Simple. Intuitive. Example #1 of a car that doesn't work like this: a BMW 740i (I think). It has a knob where the transmission usually is that allows you to navigate the stereo system, GPS, pedal height, etc. Who expects you to learn that? 99% of people who drive it start playing music while trying to shift into gear. Why? It's counterintuitive. It's a non-ubiquitous computer interfering with how we normally do things. In conclusion, anything that any innovator plans to do cannot reinvent anything that anybody currently uses. It needs to build on it. Computers don't do that. They try to force new paradigms on people-pointing, clicking, menus, toolbars, windows, login, logoff, prompts, functions, programs, code.
In an ironic twist, you inadvertently give another example. Why did everyone use a slide rule? They had comptometers, after all. Comptometers were complicated! They tried to force a paradigm shift on people who had no time to shift paradigms. If you look back on the test for certified comptometer operators, it is very long and deals with very arcane subjects. The average person had no time for this, and it fell out of use. Many used upwards of 50 buttons to do what a simple four-function calculator that you can place in your smallest pocket does today.
Reply to this comment
7 September 2004, 06:15 GMT

Re (15): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
>> What do the brake and gas pedals have to do with getting to the mall? Nothing, by themselves. <<
And what does nInt() have to do with calculus? Nothing, by itself.
>> Press on one, it goes. Press on the other, it stops. <<
Learning which pedal performs which action is no different than learning the syntax for using nInt().
>> It's counterintuitive. <<
Intuitiveness is in the eye of the beholder. Even monkies need to be taught how to use a stick to get ants out of an anthill or how to use a rock to crack open a nut, something that one might expect to be intuitive to any random fellow pulled off the street.
A person who is already comfortable with computers will naturally apply such knowledge to unfamilar software and probably figure out how to make it work. A person familiar with mathematics but unfamiliar with computers may even be able to use your theoretical intuitive calculus software to get the correct answers. But the students we are dealing with aren't familiar with the calculator OR the math that they are using it to perform. That's a double whammy and the ONLY WAY they can expect to get anything done is if they are actually WILLING to learn these things. The problem with that is of course that most of them couldn't care less about math because they don't plan on being in a career that requires it.
>> They try to force new paradigms on people-pointing, clicking, menus, toolbars, windows, login, logoff, prompts, functions, programs, code. <<
Sure. And I'll learn the new paradigm and use word processors and calculators while they stick with their typewriters and slide rules. It's a trade off. You learn new things, you can perform your tasks faster and easier. You don't learn new things, you do it with the same old familiar inferior methods.
Reply to this comment
7 September 2004, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re (15): TechniCalc Website Opens
Let's take these disagreements one at a time
I think you would agree that a computer instead of the old mechanical systems or electronic replacements thereof is a paradigm shift. I see people coming into unfamiliar institutions and forcing new paradigms on people all the time. The result is never peole using the new system. The result, 100% of the time, is that at least 75-80% of the people involved hate the person and permanently associate technology with intruders. Non-coincidentally, that is the same proportion that is composed of non-computer-nerds in the general public. If you're doing something, the point is not to preach to the choir and leave the other 75-80% who don't know what to do immediately and innately hung out to dry. The point is to provide a smooth transition from the old to the new, no growing pains, as few paradigm shifts as possible, with as manysimilarities, even if only superficial, between the old and the new.
Reply to this comment
8 September 2004, 05:15 GMT

Re (17): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
What you say is true, however, that attitude serves only to eliminate innovation. Following your logic, we should be operating our automobiles with reigns because the steering wheel, gear shift, and pedals were too complicated for people used to the horse and carriage. Guns would never have caught on, loading and firing a musket it more involved than shooting an arrow from a bow. Etc.
We're drifting from the central issue of graphing calculators anyway. It's one thing to go to somebody who is used to method #1 and making them switch to method #2. But these students, they've never done this math at all before. It would be a new paradigm for them whether it's the 1990s with graphing calculators or the 1950s with slide rules.
The central issue is that they are in math class to learn something. At one time it was to learn how math worked. Now it's more about learning how to operate the calculator. Whether that change is a good or bad thing is another great debate. But regardless they must learn something that is completely unfamiliar in order to do the prescribed math problems. And of course, they don't want to learn anything if they can avoid it. They expect the graphing calculator to be exceedingly simple, which would allow them to avoid learning anything. Naturally they are disappointed. A theoretical calculator that you desire that would indeed allow them to do all this math without learning anything would be quite the new paradigm, it would eliminate the need for math class altogether.
Reply to this comment
9 September 2004, 00:59 GMT

Re (19): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
Okay, let's talk about existing systems. Before graphing calculators, people did math using scientific calculators, pencil, paper, and their heads. The calculator didn't even have the ability to do a definate integral in one fell swoop, the students had to know how to set up the problem if they were to use the calculator to crunch the numbers.
Today, in fact, they could do the exact same thing. That would be a direct flow from the preexisting system as you describe.
However, it is also easier now, because there is that integration command there. Instead of setting up the entire calculation beforehand on paper, you only need to know how to lay out the command with the starting bits of the problem. You cannot convince me this results in the process being more complicated or more difficult. You don't even have to know how to do it the old way. You just have to copy it from the textbook into the calculator in a certain order.
Of course, what I have just described is irrelevant anyway. The thing about students twenty years ago, they KNEW that they were going to have to use scientific calculators, pencil, paper, and their heads. The students today, they think the graphing calculator is the only thing they need. They think pencil, paper, and their heads are not required. This is not an instance of the technolgy paradigm shifting away from the user. In fact, it is the users who expect a very large paradigm shift when one has not occured. They underestimate the ability of the calculator, thinking it will do all the work for them.
You revere the old methods of doing things, well, the students could easily use any old method of doing their homework instead of the new methods. But wait, no they can't, because they refused to learn those methods thinking that the calculator would take care of everything for them with no intervention from them required.
Reply to this comment
10 September 2004, 22:18 GMT

Re: Re (19): TechniCalc Website Opens
The calculator needs to make clear that if you don't know the math, you aren't going to be able to tell the calculator what to do (uh, what's a mantissa? whaddaya mean a mantissa? why da calc askin' me fer da mantissa?). However, it also needs to bemore user-oriented than a command line. For you, it is much easier, as you know how to use the calculator as well as the math. However, if a person knows only the math, it is much harder for them. I have seen people take a TI-30Xa into a calculus test because they believed that they couldn't do any better with a TI-89. The "certain order" you mention is the hangup for a lot of people.
Somebody could make a calculator that is just like a pencil and paper, or that uses a prompt system, or a command line made intelligently (hard). However, whatever the interface is, it needs to be in response to extensive market research as to what people want in an interface, can and can't do with a certain interface, and whether they're comfortable with an interface. Current systems simply do not do that.
Reply to this comment
12 September 2004, 17:05 GMT

Re (21): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
Ever use an equation writer program, like the HP 49 has, or one of the third-party versions for TI's 68k calculators? I haven't either, but they do away with command line entry in favor of a more "pretty print" style entry, to borrow TI's term for the 68k output method. However, I'm certain that even with an equation writer removing the impediment of the entry line, there's still plenty to screw up a user who hasn't made at least a small effort to familiarize himself with the system before trying to use it to pass a test or something.
>>The calculator needs to make clear that if you don't know the math, you aren't going to be able to tell the calculator what to do<<
That's laughable, and statements like that just make you lose credibility in my eyes. The calculator must be responsible for telling the user common sense things? My problem with users is that many of them think that given an 89 they can do anything math oriented with little effort or training. Apply that standard to anything else and nobody would even consider it. Does buying a tool set from the hardware store make me a master carpenter?
Or on a similar note, some of them are just plain lazy. They ask how to do something like linear interpolation. I'm certain that in most cases they are staring at a textbook page that gives the equation. They would only need to use the standard old four functions and the number keypad, and they'd still get the answer quickly. But no, they rush to a forum to ask how to make the calculator do it automagically, and have to wait half a day for an answer.
Reply to this comment
15 September 2004, 16:02 GMT

Re: Re (21): TechniCalc Website Opens
>>Does buying a tool set from the hardware store make me a master carpenter?
No. That's my point. You learn carpentry first and then buy tools. Most often you don't know what you're looking at until you learn carpentry, at which point you can use the tools without cutting off important body parts. The computer/calculator should have a code block like this:
:Title "Logarithms"
:Request "Log",qwer,0
:Request "Base",tyui,0
:(C) tyui defaults to e
instead of allowing log(qwer) or ln(qwer) at a command line. This more accurately reflects knowledge of math instead of computer languages.
The TI-89 allows users (and indeed is subtly marketed as such) to think that they can do anything with it without knowing any math.
If you know TI-BASIC in depth, I can guarantee you that you can ace most trig finals without knowing any of the material. I don't want a debate about whether this is good or not (as it's off topic) but it is true, unfortunately. Some people, like you say, are just plain lazy, and the calculator shouldn't help them. It should be an aid, not a crutch. I think that we agree on this, and that our main disagreement is on whether calculators can be transformed as such. I think they can; in fact, I work for a developer working on such a system called Morvlon 3.00. We'll prove it to you.
Reply to this comment
15 September 2004, 23:59 GMT
Re (23): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
>> No. That's my point. You learn carpentry first and then buy tools. <<
>> The TI-89 allows users (and indeed is subtly marketed as such) to think that they can do anything with it without knowing any math. <<
So you do agree with me on that. Good.
>> The computer/calculator should have a code block like this: <<
That strikes me as somewhat cumbersome. More importantly, the command line version is closer to being a direct descendant of the way it was done on one-line scientific calculators. I guess that's the dilemma, keep it close to what it's replacing for the sake of existing users or redesign it completely for the sake of new users now that the technology is somewhat better able to do that? Obviously the former is what the industry has gone with. From what I've read here, you seem to want it both ways, even though the choices are mutually exclusive.
And once you go down that path, where does it end? It can go to any level of absurdity:
:Title "Addition"
:Request "First number",a,0
:Request "Second number",b,0
:Disp expr(a)+expr(b)
This is something I worry about when writing FAQs and such. At what point in simplifying things for the dumbest people do you start insulting the smarter ones? I think I do err on the side of assuming a certain level of knowledge in the reader, and that's my failing, but I'm certainly willing to go into more depth for the people who can at least point at the parts they don't understand. The problem is, most of them do a throw-up-the-hands sort of thing and just say they don't understand any of it. That doesn't help me or them.
Reply to this comment
16 September 2004, 21:32 GMT

Re: Re (23): TechniCalc Website Opens
It wouldn't be cumbersome if it was universal, that is, it's cumbersome to program, but not for the user. Users like wizards much better than command lines, which look to them like DOS prompts (then, of course, they treat them like DOS prompts). In a counterexample, the Windows calculator is an onscreen replica of a standard calculator. Anybody can sit down at a computer and use it. It is one of the best computer UIs ever. I also meant to add a sentence at the end that would have said, essentially, that we would need Windows forms-at least-to make a truly good UI.
What you say about not insulting the user is another point that I agree with completely. However, you cannot assume that the person on the other end is not an idiot. This is where unobtrusive but available help comes in. The status line CATALOG argument help is a good example of this.
These are all good reasons why most programming is software engineering, not coding.
Reply to this comment
17 September 2004, 00:14 GMT

Re (23): TechniCalc Website Opens
Ray Kremer
(Web Page)
>> Some people, like you say, are just plain lazy, and the calculator shouldn't help them. It should be an aid, not a crutch. <<
Sure. But one of the main things I'm getting at is that to do their exams and such, the kids have to either learn the math or learn the calculator. Naturally they don't want to do either. Maybe I've been misinterpreting you, but it seems like you've been agreeing with them, that the calculator should make it so easy that they don't have to learn anything in order to churn out answers to their test questions.
Take your log example. One of the questions that drives me nuts is people asking how to do logs of different bases. I know their math textbook has the change of base formula there. The change of base formula has been the only way to do it since people used tables to solve log problems. It's inherent in the math, and has nothing to do with which graphing calculator or scientific calculator or slide rule you use. Yet they always make it sound like the calculator's fault that they can't do it. From what I've been reading, and again I may be misinterpreting you, it sounds like you would agree with them. This I cannot fathom.
Reply to this comment
16 September 2004, 21:33 GMT

Re: Re (7): TechniCalc Website Opens
Part 2:
Teachers, in another case, want to teach. They don't want to mess around with even a relatively straightforward system to file grades over the Internet for students to view. They want that to be integrated with the system they already have. I know this because the Chicago Public Schools (in which my mother is a teacher) is attempting to implement a system called MakingTheGrade/EDLINE, which, by virtue of its existence, is interference, not help.
Yet another example: levels of generalization.
Radio: AM 1160
TV: Channel 38
Cable: Cartoon Network
("Family" channels :))
Now, what happened if I told you to tune to TV 615.25 video, 619.75 audio, 1.16 MHz on medium-gain, or cable Channel 54? Most people couldn't do it. They need these references. No code, no jargon, no arrays of dials, no tuners, no gain meters, no weird black boxes covered in switches and acronyms. They need to get done what they need to do. That's it. They don't care about computers just like they don't care about radio equipment.
Reply to this comment
2 September 2004, 00:51 GMT

Re: Biblethumper
BTW, you're not responding to the 'space before ();' thread. If you want to split hairs, you will not merit a response. Once again. I thank you for telling me that it was a call to MO_modeDialog (); in events.h (TIGCC). This information was useful to me, and I am grateful for it. However, I did require clarification on several points, which you gave. However, I do not appreciate your assumption that it requires no setting of system variables, other arguments, pointers, other calls, etc., like the Open dialog. I am not an assembly programmer of your caliber, and do not expect me to know everything you do. Furthermore, I did not ask for your help, and was initially hesitant to use this message board for those purposes. So much for that, but, yet again, thank you for your info.
Reply to this comment
9 September 2004, 02:10 GMT
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