TI-89 Titanium Compatibility Improves
Posted by Michael on 22 August 2004, 03:04 GMT
Since the release of the 89 Titanium, there have been many reports of incompatibilities with existing assembly programs. Hopefully some of these will be now alleviated, as a number of key fixes have been released. Kevin Kofler's 89 homepage contains links to many programs that operate properly on the Titanium, including his own HW3Patch that will patch the AMS so as to allow certain types of programs to function correctly. For kernel aficionados, Iceberg v1.00 is a port of PreOS v0.67 to the Titanium.
Greg Dietsche has also uploaded Titanium compatible versions of KerNO (the anti-kernel 'kernel') and some games: Insane Game, ZTetris, Tron, and Dr. Mario.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-89 Titanium Compatibility Improves
(Web Page)
Ahh, they switched the up and left keys? That's stupid. Why would they do that? That doesn't make any sense at all. Are they trying to make compatibility issues, or did they just feel that they didn't change enough in the new TI-89T, and out of boredom, decided to change the keys around for kicks?
That would screw up a lot of programs... (a lot use _rowread(), I believe) It wouldn't be hard to fix the key compaitibility in a program (just a few if statements), but for everything else...
But there's no TI-83+SE section. It has a few differences. However, it's nothing quite as major... I guess, when you put it that way, it makes sense to have a separate archive. I can just imagine the confusion caused for people new to TI graphing calculators, as they run into these compatibility issues in their programs. That just means more hate mail for the authors, so... yeah, I agree with you now. Good points.
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23 August 2004, 15:36 GMT
Re: TI-89 Titanium Compatibility Improves
Lewk Of Serthic
(Web Page)
The compatibility issues arn't really as bad as people make it seem...
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22 August 2004, 03:16 GMT
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