Olivier Sangala Updates Numerous Games
Posted by Michael on 7 July 2004, 04:25 GMT
You may have noticed an unusually large number of TI-89 assembly games uploaded on July 6th. Olivier Sangala has updated many of his simple yet intriguing programs. Memory is similar to the classic board game where you uncover letters one at a time and try to form pairs. There are also the classics Yahtzee and MasterMind, in which you use logic to guess a secret code. You can find several other games on Olivier's author page.
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Re: Olivier Sangala Updates Numerous Games
These look awesome! I guess I'll have to go get mastermind now. I looked at all the games last night, but somehow I missed Mastermind.
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7 July 2004, 12:24 GMT
Re: Olivier Sangala Updates Numerous Games
I did notice that...the only one I downloaded was Minesweeper, though. I can also say that they are some of the few that actually work on the TI-89 Titanium (with AMS 3.00 and HW3, which goes without say), so that's a point in my favor.
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7 July 2004, 20:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Olivier Sangala Updates Numerous Games
The programs I am referring to worked perfectly fine before the HW3 patch, Iceberg, or Ghostbuster were used. They included several games (falldown, tetris, etc.) and a couple of the more extensive assembly math programs. After the HW3 patch was installed, these started giving address errors. Ghostbuster worked on some, but not all.
However, about the hacks not being compatible...
Is this because of syntax errors. I know there are parentheses issues between the TI-83+ and the TI-83 with things like sin( showing up as only sin on another calc. I don't know everything about an 89, but most shouldnt most of the calls or functions remain the same, even with a new AMS version? It's not like it was completely redesigned from the ground up. Was it?
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9 July 2004, 19:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Olivier Sangala Updates Numerous Games
>The programs I am referring to worked perfectly fine before the HW3 patch, Iceberg, or Ghostbuster were used
Interesting. I really doubt the problem comes from HW3Patch. GhostBuster could have patched badly the programs. You can compare the original version and the patched version of the programs at issue. You can also uninstall Iceberg by reseting the calculator (2nd + ON + left + right) after having archived your important data, to see if it can be the source of the problem.
>Ghostbuster worked on some, but not all.
Not all the existing programs need to be patched. This does not always mean that GhostBuster fails to do its job.
>but most shouldnt most of the calls or functions remain the same, even with a new AMS version?
The differences between AMS 3.00 of Titanium calculators and the latest version of the one that exists for the standard TI-89 (AMS 2.09) are minor from an external point of view. The TI-Basic language and functions (used with the Program Editor Application of AMS) are compatible between standard TI-89, TI92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium, there are no compatibility issues.
I was talking about hacks used in assembly and C languages, to interact directly with AMS and its internal structure. The internal changes of AMS may interfer with some programs, but such programs that may fail to work on Titanium are in small numbers.
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9 July 2004, 20:43 GMT
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